Newsletter 22/ 03.06.2024

"Publishing in Nature" - Talk by Dr. Michael White, Senior Editor at Nature - Join us on June 14!


Dear doctoral candidates,
Dear postdoctoral researchers,

Do you have a fascinating and novel finding that seems like a potentially good match for a high impact journal – but are unsure how to craft the paper and navigate the review process? On June 14, from 10 a.m. Michael White, Nature’s editor for climate science, will demystify the process, from abstract to appeals, in his talk “A roadmap to publishing in Nature” which will take place at the BioQuant Grenier-Saal (INF 267).

The journey will span minutiae like cover letters to the higher-level philosophy guiding decisions.

Bring your criticisms and questions for a lively Q&A following the talk!


About Dr. Michael White:

Michael White is Nature’s editor for climate science. He handles submissions on atmospheres, oceans, the cryosphere, and hydrology – past, present and future, on Earth and other planets. Michael White works closely with Nature’s editors for biogeoscience, economics, and ecology and is broadly experienced in interdisciplinary Earth System Science. Before coming to Nature in 2008, he was an academic at Utah State University, where he conducted research on land surface phenology and terrestrial biogeochemistry – mostly using computational models and satellite remote sensing.


Further information on the agenda und how to register:


We warmly invite you to attend the talk on June 14. Make sure to register on our website today.


If you have any questions about the event, please send us an email at!


Best wishes,

The Team of the Graduate Academy and of the Heidelberg Center of the Environment


Verantwortlich: Naranjo
Letzte Änderung: 04.06.2024
zum Seitenanfang/up