Newsletter 26/ 13-06-2023
„How to plan and write a competitive research or grant proposal“ – Workshop of the Graduate Academy for late-stage doctoral candidates
Dear Doctoral Candidates,
Are you searching for funding regarding your next research project or planning on writing your first research or grant proposal? Then join our workshop for late-stage doctoral candidates on „How to plan and write a competitive research or grant proposal“. The workshop will be conducted in English.
- When? 18.07.2023, 9 am – 5 pm / 19.07.2023, 9 am – 1 pm
- Where? Seminarzentrum D2 (Room 1), Bergheimer Straße 58 A (entrance Fehrentzstraße)
Content and aim of the workshop
This hands-on workshop provides an overview of the German research funding landscape and explains how to exploit funding opportunities at the postdoctoral stage for further career advancement. Selected EU programmes within the framework of Horizon Europe are also covered. Additionally, practice scenarios for different research settings will help you to understand how to select and approach individual funding programmes to establish yourself as a principal investigator and build your research capacity.
By participating in this workshop, you will be better equipped to
- identify funding opportunities for different research settings
- understand what makes a fundable research project
- tailor your proposal to meet the evaluation criteria
- structure and schedule the writing process
- establish a grant track record and move from smaller to larger grants
Our extensive course program, further information on the workshop and the possibility to register can be found at:
Best wishes,
The Graduate Academy Team