Newsletter 30/ 16.04.2014
CfA Marsilius Academy 2014: Interdisciplinary Summer School "Synthetic biology: promises and perils of modern biotechnology"
Deadline: 31 May 2014
The Marsilius Academy Heidelberg organizes the Summer School "Synthetic biology: promises and perils of modern biotechnology" (1. – 5.9.2104) in the Palatinate. The call is open for 20 doctoral candidates and junior scientists from the sciences and the humanities who are interested in an interdisciplinary exchange and are interested to develop answers to the following (and other) questions:
To what extent does synthetic biology exceed previous breeding and genetic research and what perils might it cause? What promises does synthetic biology offer, and what is the potential for abuse? How can one guarantee that social and ecological consequences will be evaluated at an early stage in research?
The discussions will focus on current research approaches from the perspectives of the humanities and the life sciences in order to open up dialogue between economists, lawyers, and ethicists. A working knowledge of both German and English is expected.
When: 1st – 5th September 2014
Where: Kurhaus Trifels Seminarhotel
Further information & application:
Lina Girdziute
Stefanie Höger