Newsletter 54/2013
Summer School Methods in Molecular Energy Research
Deadline: 30 June 2013
The MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion organizes a Summer School with the topic:
Methods in Molecular Energy Research: Theory and Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes.
It will take place on September 2-6 2013, at the Hotel Bredeney in Essen.
This five-day summer school is designed for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in the general field of molecular energy research and inorganic chemistry. The school will consist of a mixture of lectures and hands-on practical sessions, which will cover quantum chemical calculations and spectroscopy. Lectures will be given by international experts in the field.
Topics are:
- Basic DFT calculations
- Data analysis aspects of EPR, MCD, X-ray spectroscopy, Mössbauer and vibrational spectroscopy
- Calculation of spectroscopic parameters
- rotating practicals
The Summer School is free of charge.
Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion
Julia Kircher M.A.
Referentin für Unternehmenskommunikation
Büro für Forschungskommunikation
Stiftstraße 34-36
45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Tel.: 0208/306-3681