CELLA Team Meeting

We are a group of young and fellow scientists that together, from an international research team called Centre for Learning and Living with AI (CELLA), funded by the Jacobs Foundation.  As a group we are all coming to the SIG16 metacognition and self-regulated learning conference, organised by the  University of Heidelberg. 

Since we are from different continents, we would like to combine this conference with a two-day scientific meeting to discussour collaborations within the team further.  This meeting is to get to know each other including, current research projects and how we would like to proceed with projects in the future together.



S. de Mooij

E-mail: susanne.demooij@ru.nl

J. Lämäs

E-mail: Joni.lamsa@oulu.fi


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Letzte Änderung: 02.05.2024
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