European Leadership Course 49

Comenius is a Dutch based international School for Wisdom and Leadership connected to Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Comenius courses are rooted in the academic tradition of research and dialogue and aim to contribute to the development of wise leadership through a wide range of knowledge combined with personal reflection. Our courses are intended for executives: experienced directors and managers from the public and private sectors such as chief executives and executive board members, supervisory board members, (staff) executives, senior partners, and business unit managers.

Our 'European leadership course' is an international executive program on European, academic Bildung, which aims to respond in a creative and innovative manner to changes and act as an engine of thought, reflection, and action. During seven modules of three days each, which take place over a period of fourteen months, participants obtain new insights on the latest developments and research from top international scholars in Philosophy (Leuven), Law (Bologna), Medical Sciences (Heidelberg), Economics (Groningen), Arts, Culture & Politics (Prague), Natural Sciences (Cambridge) and Social Sciences (Istanbul). Each module focuses on a specific dilemma associated with leadership and vision, such as power of authority in Bologna, state versus faith in Leuven and innovation in Cambridge. For more information about our organisation and courses, see:

In June 2024 we have a module on ‘Medical Sciences’ in Heidelberg (19-22 June 2024) for approximately 15 participants. During this module, participants will edify their perspectives on health through inspirational lectures on ethical issues including, amongst others, treatment decisions, (end of) life acceptance, technological interventions, patient involvement, access to care, and the societal efforts and willingness to contribute to care. Equally, participants will reflect on their personal perspectives by transcending gained (ethical) insights and standards to their own situation and experiences, both personal and professional.


Ms. L. Noorman

Email: Noorman(at)

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Letzte Änderung: 02.05.2024
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