Uniformity and Regionalism in Latin Writing Culture in the First Millennium of the Common Era

Heidelberg’s Material Text Cultures Collaborative Research Center (SFB 933) and the ERC-funded “Papyri and Latin Texts: Insight and Updated Methodologies” (PLATINUM) are conducting a joint conference on phenomena related to the production and circulation of Latin writings, whether literature or documents, in the first millennium of the Common Era. The aim of the conference is to explore evidence for and issues surrounding standardization and regionalism in Latin, and to further research on paleography and material aspects of Latin texts inscribed for the most part on portable media such as papyri, ostraca, wooden and lead tablets, parchment, etc. We are interested in the process of standardization of script and writing materials as well as in the development of writing practices under changing political, administrative, and cultural institutions and trends. 


The conference will take place from September 28th -29th, 2017 at the International Academic Forum in Heidelberg, Germany.


Prof. Dr. Rodney Ast
Institut für Papyrologie
Universität Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0)6221 542334
Email: ast@uni-heidelberg.de

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Latest Revision: 2018-05-23
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