

Kemmerling Situation F _r Fellow Hauptseite Mk 20Like other Centres for Advanced Study the Marsilius Kolleg has focused its activities on the support of its fellows. Scholars of Heidelberg University and the affiliated research institutions of the region may apply for a one-year fellowship at the Marsilius Kolleg. Fellowships are designed to allow academics concentrating on their proposed interdisciplinary project and participating in the scientific activities of the Marsilius Kolleg. With this measure the Kolleg aims to establish an intellectual network fostering and organising the dialogue between scholarly cultures within the comprehensive Heidelberg University and the Rhine-Neckar research area. The University is confident that this will also lead – directly or indirectly – to new interdisciplinary projects across scholarly cultures

Mager DiskussionAre you interested in a fellowship at Marsilius Kolleg and have any questions? Are you looking for partner for a Fellowship project? Do you want to apply? Contact the office of the Marsilius Kolleg, and we’ll gladly help.
Additionally, current Fellows and former Fellows will gladly provide information about their experiences at the Marsilius Kolleg . The most important information can be found on the page Fellowships. An overview of the topics discussed so far in the Kolleg can be found on the page Topics in the Kolleg.


Editor: office
Latest Revision: 2022-01-20
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