Members of the NAR-Kolleg
Sechs (Post-)Graduierte beschäftigen sich mit einem selbstgewählten Projekt zum Thema Alter(n). Die Nachwuchswissenschaftler kommen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, die von Psychologie, Epidemiologie, Gerontologie, Musikwissenschaft bis zur Sportwissenschaft reichen. Gefördert wird das NAR-Kolleg von der Klaus Tschira Stiftung.
Merve Degirmenci, Dr. Eesha Kokje, Dr. Katharina Gordt-Oesterwindt, Dr. Judith Großmann, Dr. Hannah Stocker, Dr. Sarah Labudek (from left to right)
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The Role of Bilingualism on the Executive Functions of Healthy Older Adults
Fellow: Dr. rer. nat. Birgit Teichmann
Scientific Concepts of Dementia in Contemporary Fiction
Fellow: Prof. Dr. Gertrud M. Rösch
Effects of language learning on cognition in healthy older adults
Fellows: Prof. Dr. Patric Meyer, Dr. rer. nat. Birgit Teichmann
Forms of interaction and communication with people with dementia – a video based ethnographical reconstruction of Integrative Validation by Nicole Richard
Fellows: Prof. Dr. Ronald Hitzler, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Kruse
Correspondend members
Language and Cognition in Early Dementia
Fellow: Prof. Christiane von Stutterheim
The role of genetic risk scores in the detection and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease
Fellow: Prof. Dr. Hermann Brenner
Dr. Katharina Gordt-Oesterwind
Balance abilities in older adults: development and evaluation of challenging/advanced everyday-related assessments
Fellow: Dr. Michael Schwenk
Music related autobiographical memories and their individual meaning
Accesses to human existence under the condition of Alzheimer’s disease
Ich bin bereit jeden Tag zu gehen – nur heute und morgen nicht! Hundertjährige zwischen Lebensende und Lebenswille
Fellows: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kruse
The impact of climate on the health of the ageing population in Nouna, Burkina Faso
Fellows: Prof. Dr. Rainer Sauerborn, Prof. Dr. Joacim Rocklöv
Older person's value – Multiple knowledge models and representational practices in international development Germany / Peru
Fellows: Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger; Prof. Dr. Cornelia Schweppe
Professional musicians in the third and fourth stage of life. An empirical study
Self employment, age and financial security – an international comparison
Evangelische Hochschule Ludwigsburg
Acceptance of new technologies by caregivers of persons with dementia
Instant Aging meets gait analysis
Die Rolle des Vitamins D in der Prognose von Darmkrebs
Fellows: Prof. Dr. Hermann Brenner
Association of leukocyte telomere length with age related diseases and functional impairments
Vitamin D and the risk of cancer in the Consortium on Health and Aging: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES)
The significance of grandparenthood from an evolutionary and social perspective
Liste "Menschliches Verhalten in evolutionärer Perspektive (MVE)"
Therapy with Music for Alzheimer patients
Evangelisches Altenzentrum Bruchsal
The role of general practitioners in preventing heat-related health-risks for the elderly in the community in Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Fellows: Prof. Dr. Rainer Sauerborn
Integrating sport and movement into daily life: development and evaluation of a new intervention concept for older people
Fellows: Dr. Michael Schwenk