25 Years HAI

Heidelberg Alumni International (HAI) proudly celebrates its 25 years of existence in this year. 25 years HAI was a very good reason for special activities.

From June to the end of the year you had access to a potpourri of digital events and activities under the heading of #25HAI. Events from the areas of Science & Research, Culture & Society, Career & Business, and Networking & Socializing were on offer, as well as some activities on our beautiful Neckar city, of course. Over a period of 6 months, there was a choice of lectures, discussions, participatory events and other formats, so that we could celebrate this anniversary in a somewhat different way, but still together with you and with old and new acquaintances.

The central anniversary events took place online between July 10-11, 2021. Reviews including many videos of other past events can be found on #25HAI-Events.
Under #25HAI-Activities you can learn more about the actions in the anniversary year; individual  join-in campaigns are still running and you can continue to participate in them.

It was a great pleasure for us to welcome many of our network members at #25HAI. We thank you for your interest and participation and especially those who actively contributed to the success of this anniversary.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Then please get in touch with us via e-mail to: jubilaeum@alumni.uni-heidelberg.de