
Bridging the Gap: Workshop - Transfer of own research into society

28 June  2024
published by  hei_INNOVATION

In hei_INNOVATION's Bridging the Gap workshop, small groups of master's students, doctoral students and researchers from all disciplines learn more about knowledge transfer. The workshop is intended to help make the diverse possibilities of knowledge transfer more tangible for everyone. Registration for the next workshop on 19 July 2024 is now open.

In the two-hour event, hei_INNOVATION uses interactive methods to give participants an overview of possible fields of (inter)action relating to their own research focus. In small groups, doctoral candidates and researchers from all disciplines can learn more about how they can generate social benefits with their scientific work and where they can receive support for the concrete implementation of such formats. Questions such as: How can I generate a social benefit with my scientific work? Where can I get support for the concrete realisation of such formats?

The workshops offer first points of contact with the topic of “knowledge transfer” and a basis for learning new methods for effective research in order to further close the gap between one's own research activities and their transfer into everyday life. The next Bridging the Gap workshop will take place on 19 July 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the hei_INNOVATION HUB in German. Registrations are taken by Ursula Stricker via  ursula.stricker@uni-heidelberg.de