
Hans-Peter Wild Talent ScholarshipsFind answers to your questions regarding a scholarship application

Please note, that the FAQ - list is updated regularly (last update: 30.04.2024).

General information

How often are the Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarships awarded?
The Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarships are awarded once a year at the beginning of the winter semester.

How long is the scholarship period?
The award period is generally two semesters. An extension of the funding period is possible on request and after a successful aptitude- and performance-based review. The scholarship is intended to support the student, in the ideal case, until the end of the standard period of study in the respective degree programme.

Is it possible to extend the scholarship period?
Yes, an extension of the award period is possible on request and after a successful aptitude- and performance-based review. The scholarship is intended to support the students, in the ideal case, until the end of the standard period of study in the respective degree programme.

What happens if I take a semester off?
During a leave of absence from studies – for example for personal or family reasons - the scholarship payments will be suspended, in general. When resuming your studies after a leave of absence, the funding period will be adjusted upon notification of the scholarship recipient. If the payment of the scholarship is suspended during the leave of absence, any scholarship funds already paid during the leave of absence must be repaid. If the leave of absence is granted for a study-related stay abroad or for a study-related internship, the payment of the scholarship can continue during that time. In this case, the funding period will not be adjusted.

Is it possible to receive simultaneous study grants?
Anyone receiving aptitude- or performance-based financial support, on average 30 € or more per month, cannot receive a Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship. However, applicants have the possibility to give up an existing aptitude- and performance-based grant in favor of the Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship. During the funding period of a Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship, another temporary aptitude- or performance-based grant is possible if a leave of absence from the Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship takes place (this must be communicated by the scholarship recipient). During this leave of absence from the Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship, scholarship payments will be suspended. In this case, the funding period will not be adjusted.

Can I accept a position for student assistants („HIWI“) or do a paid internship at Heidelberg University while receiving a Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship?
Scholarship recipients are required to concentrate on the purpose of the scholarship. Taking up gainful employment is only permitted if it does not impair the achievement of the scholarship purpose. As a rule, this requirement is deemed to be met if the time required for one or more gainful employments does not exceed a quarter of the monthly working hours of a full-time job.
Gainful employment at Heidelberg University is only permitted if the activities within the scope of the employment and the scholarship are separate in terms of content. This means that if you are funded in the subject of physics, for example, you cannot generally accept a student assistant position in the physics department. Please always let us know if you wish to take up gainful employment.

Do I have to pay back the scholarship later?

Is the receipt of the Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship tax-free?
Whether the receipt of the Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship is tax-free in accordance with the Income Tax Act depends on the individual case. As a scholarship holder, you are responsible for paying taxes in Germany and abroad. Please contact your tax office or the responsible tax authority for clarification. Scholarship holders indemnify Heidelberg University against any third-party claims in this regard.

I am already studying at Heidelberg University. Can I apply?
You can apply for a Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship if you are a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme applicant for a MINT subject for the first semester and you have not yet completed or will complete a course of studies at Heidelberg University before the requested funding period (usually the following winter semester). 
This means that an application is not possible for students who are in their second semester or higher in the corresponding MINT degree programme at the beginning of the funding period (usually the following winter semester) or who have obtained a university degree from Heidelberg University until then.
However, students who have already received a Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship during their bachelor’s programme are not affected by this rule.

I am currently in the preparatory course or the Studienkolleg. Can I apply?
Yes, you can apply if you are a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme applicant for the first semester of a MINT subject at Heidelberg University for the upcoming winter semester. However, a funding during the preparatory course or the Studienkolleg is not possible.
Please note: The application for a scholarship is not an application for a university place. Therefore, please apply additionally for a university place at Heidelberg University.

Application process

How can I apply?
The application must be submitted in electronic form via the online application portal provided for this purpose. During the application period from 1 May to 15 July*, you can apply online by using the respective link on this website. Applicants then have to register in the application portal in order to be able to log in to the application portal with their registration data (email address and password).

* The application period can be postponed for important reasons, e.g. if the organised study operations are delayed.

Please note the following steps:

  1. Register in the online application portal during the application period.
  2. Complete the entire online application form, upload the required documents and submit your complete application until the end of the application period at the latest.

In which language can the application documents be submitted?
The application documents can be submitted in German and English. If your documents are written in a different language than German or English, you have to submit an official translation in German or English. Please always upload the original document and the corresponding official translation.

Which criteria are essential?
The Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarships are awarded based on aptitude and performance as well as the personal career with focus on the MINT field. The following are:

  1. a) applicants for a MINT bachelor's degree programme:
    the university entrance qualification
    b) applicants for a MINT Master's degree programme:
    the grade of the university degree that is relevant for the MINT Master's programme or, if the degree is not yet available until the end of the application deadline, alternatively the current average grade for the academic achievements completed up to that point in the corresponding first university degree programme
  2. completed vocational training in the MINT field
  3. national and international prizes and awards in the MINT field
  4. voluntary internships in the MINT field

    as well as:

  5. a) applicants for a MINT bachelor's degree programme:
    Participation in working groups/ voluntary seminars/ pupils` academies or pupils` study programme in the MINT field
    b) applicants for a MINT Master's degree programme:
    Conference participation, lectures or poster presentations given, published (co-) publications in the MINT field

    The MINT-related criteria listed under no. 3-5 will only be taken into consideration if they ended no later than 3 years prior to start of the application period (usually on 1 May of each year). 

    Subordinately, the scholarship committee should consider other factors such as the CV, the motivation presented in the online application form and the letters of recommendation as part of the overall impression of the respective application, regarding its selection.

How do I verify my performances?
a) you are an applicant for a MINT bachelor's degree programme:
upload your university entrance qualification certificate indicating your final grade 

b) you are an applicant for a MINT Master's degree programme:
upload your certificate of the first university degree relevant to the MINT Master's programme indicating your final grade. If you do not have this certificate until the end of the application deadline, upload a current certificate from the university confirming your achievements up to that point indicating the average grade.

I will not be able to submit my first university diploma-certificate relevant for taking the Master’s degree programme in the MINT fields until the end of the application period. What do I have to do?
If you are an applicant for a MINT-Master`s degree programme, you should ideally apply with your first university degree certificate that is relevant for your MINT Master’s degree programme. If you do not have this certificate until the end of the application deadline, upload a current certificate from the university confirming your achievements up to that point (indicating the average grade) as an alternative.

Do foreign certificates that are not in German or English require anything additional?
If you have to submit original certificates and certificates in a language other than German or English, you must always upload an official translation of the relevant document in English or German in addition to the original document. This translation is usually prepared by a sworn specialist translator. In addition, foreign grades must be converted into the German grading system (German equivalent grade). Ideally, you can upload an official conversion in your application. If you do not have such an official conversion, you can use the Modified Bavarian Formula to determine your German equivalent grade. Please upload your conversion in the appropriate place in your application.

I do not have a conversion of my grade to the German equivalent. What do I have to do?
If you do not have an official conversion, you can also calculate your German equivalent grade using the Modified Bavarian Formula and indicate it in your application accordingly. Please upload your conversion in the appropriate place in your application.

What minimum grade do I need to have to apply?
The Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarships want to support particularly high-achieving up-and-coming students with an outstanding university entrance qualification or first university diploma. However, since other criteria are important in the selection process in addition to grades (see “Which selection criteria are essential?“) and the number of applicants is also decisive, we cannot specify a minimum grade required for the application.

What requirements must be met for “Working Groups, voluntary Seminars, Pupils‘ Academies and Pupils‘ Study Programme“?
If you are an applicant for a MINT bachelor's degree programme, you can provide information on participation in working groups/ voluntary seminars or student academies as well as student studies; these will only be considered in the selection process if they are MINT-related and if they ended no later than 3 years prior to start of the application period (usually on 1 May of each year). 
Complete all the relevant fields in the online application form and upload the proof in the appropriate place. The proof must be clearly assigned to your person, contain the time specification and show the MINT connection. 

What requirements must be met for “Participation in Conferences with/ without, Presentations given, Poster Presentations and published (Co-) Publications“?
If you are an applicant for a MINT Master's degree programme, you can provide information on conference participation with/ without presentations given, poster presentations and published (co-) publications; these will only be taken into consideration in the selection process if they are MINT-related and if they ended no later than 3 years prior to start of the application period (usually on 1 May of each year).
Complete all the relevant fields in the online application form and upload the proof in the appropriate place. The proof must be clearly assigned to your person, contain the time specification and show the MINT connection. Possible proofs are: for a conference participation e.g. confirmation of participation or admission ticket, for a lecture e.g. letter of confirmation or programme excerpt, for a poster presentation e.g. letter of confirmation or programme excerpt as well as for the publication of a (co-)publication e.g. letter of confirmation or excerpt from the publication with abstract. 

What requirements must be met for “Voluntary Internships”?
Voluntary internships in the MINT field of at least four weeks duration (full-time equivalent) and not mandatory for study and examination regulations or during your school period, for instance, are taken into consideration, if they ended no later than three years prior to the start of the application period (usually on 1 May of each year). 
Complete all the relevant fields in the online application form. In the “brief description” field, the internship should be named and the job should be briefly described. Upload the proof in the appropriate place. The proof must be clearly assigned to your person, contain the time specification and show the MINT connection. Ideally, this should also indicate the weekly working hours and the total duration of the internship. 
Please note: Other employment relationships such as study or school-related employment (e.g. student assistants („HIWI“), working student activities) and employment relationships may not be stated here or will not be taken into consideration in an entry.

What requirements must be met for “Vocational Training”?
Vocational training in the MINT field will only be considered in the selection process if it is a completed vocational training course of at least two years in the MINT field. 
Complete all the relevant fields in the online application form and upload the proof in the appropriate place. The proof must be clearly assigned to your person, contains the time specification and show the MINT connection.

What requirements must be met for “Prizes and Awards“?
Prizes and awards in the MINT field will only be considered in the selection process if they were received no more than three years ago to the start of the application period (usually 1 May of each year).
Complete all relevant fields in the online application form, indicating each award or prize individually (e.g. per round). Upload the proof in the appropriate place. The proof must be clearly assigned to your person, contain the time specification and show the MINT connection. 
Scholarships in the MINT field can also be listed here. Prizes awarded as part of the university entrance qualification at the suggestion of the school management are regional prizes. Participation in competitions with placings and/or qualification for a subsequent competition round can be specified here.

What requirements must be met for the recommendation letters? 
At least two letters of recommendation from professionals in the MINT field (e.g. teachers, lecturers, associate professors, research group leaders, academic staff, lecturers in the context of a pupils‘ study programme or a pupils academy lasting several weeks) must be submitted. You can either upload the letters in the application form or the MINT professional directly sends their letter of recommendation to hpw_scholarships@uni-heidelberg.de. Please note that we must receive at least two letters of recommendation until the end of the application period. The letter should state why you are a suitable candidate for a Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship. In addition to performance and talent in the MINT field, other aspects such as special engagement and initiative can also be addressed.
The length of the letter should not exceed 3 DINA4 pages. 
Please note that recommendation letters from university tutors cannot be taken into consideration.

Can missing documents be submitted at a later time?
Please note that you can upload missing documents at any time during the application period as long as you have not submitted your application online.

If you have already submitted your application, it is unfortunately no longer possible to change your application. If you notice an error before the end of the application period or would like to complete your application, please contact hpw_scholarships@uni-heidelberg.de. If still possible, we will reactivate your application so that it can be revised.
Please note that in this case you must resubmit your application until the end of the application period (usually 15 July of each year) at the latest, otherwise it cannot be considered.
No documents for the selection procedure can be submitted after the end of the application period (usually15 July of each year). 

What requirements must be met when presenting the motivation? 
The presentation of your motivation is part of the application form. You have a maximum of 2,500 characters (including spaces) to explain your reasons for applying. A letter of motivation uploaded in addition to this will not be considered in the selection process.

Selection process

How is it decided who gets a Hans-Peter Wild Talent Scholarship?
A scholarship selection committee reviews the applications submitted in due form and time and decides who should receive a funding by taking into consideration the relevant criteria (see “Which selection criteria are essential?). Decisive for the selection is also the overall picture of the applicants, which results from the CV, the motivation presented in the online application form and the letters of recommendation submitted.

Will I receive confirmation on the status of the application and selection process?
Please understand that we cannot provide any feedback on the current status during the ongoing application and selection process. After completion of the application and selection process, every applicant will be notified by email. These emails will probably be sent in September.