Schliemann exhibition in the University Museum is supported by the scientific heritage fund

Donations and endowment contributions to the Scientific Heritage Fund make an important contribution to the set-up and media equipment of the exhibition.

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Heinrich Schliemann, the Department of History is showing an exhibition on the three-week stay in Heidelberg of the famous archaeologist und excavator Heinrich Schliemann in the University Museum. The exhibition was conceptualised and realised under the direction of PD Dr Stefanie Samida and Dr Polly Lohmann together with students of Classical Archaeology, Pre- and Protohistory and Early Modern History. Everything must fall into place in order to be able to set up such an exhibition. Especially during a pandemic, this is an outstanding achievement. It is therefore wonderful to know that the Scientific Heritage Fund was also able to make a small contribution to the success of the exhibition. Thanks to the support of numerous friends and sponsors, it has funds available to preserve the university‘s scientific heritage and to make it visible.

In addition to the exhibition, which can be visited from 20 January to 22 July, 2022 in the University Museum, there is an extensive accompanying programme consisting of lectures and public guided tours.

Donations and endowment contributions to the fund are possible at all times and will help the university to support projects and measures in the future. 


Polly Lohmann

The financial support for the exhibition has also made it possible to show a selection of the Troia finds from the antiquities collection which normally would have been inaccessible for many years due to building refurbishment.

Polly Lohmann