Internships abroad ERASMUS Placement

The Erasmus Placement Program is part of the EU education program Erasmus+. In Germany, implementation is the responsibility of the German Academic Exchange Service as the national agency. The program provides financial support for students who complete a placement in eligible European (partly non-European) countries.

KOOR/Services BW, as the statewide coordinating agency based at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences - Technology and Economics, coordinates the Erasmus Internship Program as a consortium for currently 41 universities in Baden-Württemberg, including Heidelberg University.

Who can be supported?

  • Students who have already found an internship position and have a commitment (exception: students who wish to complete a graduate internship). The internship must be completed prior to graduation.
  • Graduate students who will complete the internship within one year of graduation. Internship as a graduate student will be added to the previous cycle of study. This is contingent upon enrollment at the time of application and exmatriculation at the time of the internship. Proof of exmatriculation is the certificate of exmatriculation or the degree certificate or a certificate from the university that all course work has been completed.
  • Only full-time internships are funded - part-time internships cannot be funded.


2 - 12 months


Funding Level:
Funding levels depend on the destination country; there are three different country groups:

Country group 1: Austria, Belgium, France, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom

Country group 2: Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain

Country group 3: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Turkiye

The exact funding amount can be found under the link Application and Information.


To a limited extent, internships outside Europe are also eligible for funding through Erasmus+ weltweit. EU institutions and other EU bodies as well as specialized agencies are excluded from funding. Also excluded are organizations that manage EU programs.


Applications can generally be submitted up to one month before the start of the internship at the latest, but funds are limited: It is currently only possible to register from 20.11.24 for applications starting from 01.02.2025 (summer semester 25) . A first-come-first-served principle applies, the submission of complete application documents is decisive. 

Online registration, application documents (application form, training agreement, etc.) and further information can be found on the pages of the Coordination Office for Internships (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences). You can also access the registration form and after registering their database directly via the links on the right.


Diploma Supplement

A “Diploma Supplement” is awarded upon completion of a bachelor's or master's degree program together with the bachelor's or master's degree certificate. It is a standardized, English-language declaration of the degree, the general study content and the academic and professional qualifications acquired with the degree. The aim of this is to classify the degree in the German higher education system in order to enable international comparability.

Further information on the “Diploma Supplement” can be found in the examination regulations of the respective degree programs.

On the “Diploma Supplement” there is the possibility to list your Erasmus stay abroad (study and/or internship) under point 6 Weitere Angaben / Additional Information.

Please discuss this with your subject coordinator or examination office in the context of the recognition of your internship abroad.

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