4EU+ Second Call for Proposals in the SEED4EU+ Initiative

18 June 2024

Funds for cross-university cooperation in research and teaching – information event on 21 June

With the interuniversity funding programme SEED4EU+ launched last year, the 4EU+ European University Alliance aims to bolster links between the eight partner universities, make room for new ideas and support cross-university projects. Joint research activities are the focus of the second call; proposals for projects in the field of teaching will also be considered. Eligible to apply are researchers with a doctorate wishing to implement creative projects at a minimum of three 4EU+ locations in an interdisciplinary way. The closing date for submitting applications is 30 September 2024. An information event on the funding line is to take place online on 21 June.

The 4EU+ European University Alliance brings together the eight universities of Prague, Heidelberg, Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Sorbonne in Paris, Copenhagen, Geneva, Milan and Warsaw. The group is one of the university alliances funded in the context of the European Universities Erasmus+ call. By supporting strategic higher education partnerships and building up an integrated university system, the European Commission pursues the goal of clustering research, teaching and innovation in Europe in new structures, and thereby modernising and strengthening the European Education Area.

At the online event on 21 June, those interested in applying can find out more about the SEED4EU+ call for proposals and ask questions. To take part, registration is required by 19 June via the 4EU+ European University Alliance website.