FI EMS ColloquiumFI EMS Colloquium

The FI EMS colloquium presents external and internal speakers in the field of “Engineering Molecular Systems” once a month on Mondays. The colloquium takes place either via Zoom or in person, depending on the location of the speaker. Please register for the Zoom Meetings using the links in the respective row. 

Upcoming colloquia


October 21st 2024
Ulrich Keyser, University of Cambridge
Native RNA detection using nanopores: Isoforms, RNA modifications and disease diagnostics
BioQuant, INF 267, SR041
October 28th 2024
Denis Schapiro, Heidelberg University Hospital
From oncology to cardiology: Spatial omics technologies for topographic biomarker discovery
BioQuant, INF 267, SR041

Past Colloquia


May 2021
Matthew Tirrell, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago
Molecular Engineering of Peptide Conjugates for Cardiovascular Therapies
July 2021
Christelle Prinz, Solid State Physics and NanoLund, Lund University
Nanostructures for Probing and Transfecting Living Cells
September 2021
Sai Reddy, Systems and Synthetic Immunology ETH Zürich
Engineering synthetic T cell platforms for cancer immunotherapy
October 2021
Eva Blasco, OCI Heidelberg University
Printing Functional Soft Materials: Towards Life-like Behaviors
November 2021
Luk Vandenberghe, Grousebeck Gene Therapy Center, Boston, Harvard
Mechanism, Technology, Translation in Genetic Medicine
December 2021
Venera Weinhardt, COS Heidelberg University
Soft X-ray Microscopy of single cells
January 2022
Andela Šarić, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Shape-shifting assemblies in cutting and dividing cells
February 2022
Kristina Haase, EMBL Barcelona
Microscale models of vascularized tissues
March 2022
Kerstin Göpfrich, MPI for Medical Research, Heidelberg
Synthetic cells: De novo engineering with DNA
April 2022
Jonathan Schmid-Burgk, University of Bonn
Functional Genomics using Polyclonal Gene Tagging
May 2022
Sebastian Kruss, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Nanoscale Assemblies for Chemical Sensing and Imaging of Biological Processes
July 2022
Claudia Jessen-Trefzer, Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology, Freiburg University
A dual functional artificial metalloenzyme inside encapsulin
September 2022
Virgile Viasnoff, Mechanobiology Institute, NUS, Singapore
How artificial microniches control the development of apico-basal polarity  for single cells and for organoids.
November 2022
Abhishek Jalan, Department of Biochemistry, University of Bayreuth
Deciphering the code for collagen folding
December 2022
Edward Lemke, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Biocentre, Johannes Gutenberg- University Mainz
Decoding molecular Plasticity in the Dark Proteome
January 2023
Martin Lenz, Soft Biophysics, CNRS, University Paris-Saclay, ESPCI
Slimming down through frustration: understanding fibrous protein self-assembly
February 2023
Iain Dunlop, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Materials, Imperial College London
Biomaterials for immunotherapy and inflammatory disease modelling
April 2023
Ganna Gry´nova, HITS, Heidelberg
Engineering Organic Frameworks for Molecular Storage
May 2023
Jasna Brujic, Jamming and Biophysics, NYU
Programmable Soft Matter via Folding
June 2023
Felix Löffler, Biomolecular Systems 
Synthetic Array Technologies , MPI of Colloids and Interfaces
Nano 3D printing for high-throughput synthesis and bioscreening
July 2023
Daniela Duarte Campos, ZMBH, Heidelberg University
From in vitro models to in vivo biofabrication of tissues
October 2023
Akif Tezcan, University of California, San Diego
Chemical Design of Functional Protein Assemblies
October 2023
Cody Geary, iNANO, Aarhus University
Cotranscriptional Production of RNA Nanostructure
December 2023
Ai Niitsu, Theoretical Molecular Science Laboratory, Riken, Tokio
Assembling peptides in lipid bilayers: design, function and dynamics
December 2023
Christoph Merten, Laboratory of Biomedical Microfluidics, EPFL
Droplet microfluidics for personalized cancer therapy, antibody discovery and (single-cell) genomics
February 2024
Ryuji Yokokawa, Kyoto University
Accessing the Inside of 3D Tissues Through On-Chip Vascular Network
June 2024
Kai Melde, Heidelberg University (IMSEAM)
Ultrasound & Holography: new Tools for Biofabrication
June 2024
Igor Aronson, Penn State University, USA
Confined bacterial suspensions
July 2024
Paolo Ceppi, University of Southern Denmark
Metabolic regulation of cancer aggressiveness