
Applied AI - Education - Practice - Reflection

Cooperative Event Series by the HSE and the HCDH

Generative AI is revolutionizing education systems worldwide. The potential of large language models to support individualized knowledge transfer is enormous, as are the risks. And yet this development is only just the beginning - and the next generation of GPT assistants is already in the making!

Instead of conducting the debate in an abstract and speculative manner, we want to get practical. For this reason, the Heidelberg School of Education (HSE) and the Heidelberg Center for Digital Humanities (HCDH) have joined forces with researchers and teachers at Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University of Education to develop and test scenarios for the use of AI in university teaching (with a focus on the teaching profession, among others). To this end, there will be events for basic comprehension questions at beginner level as well as practical hands-on workshops, to which separate invitations will be sent and which will have an explicit workshop character. Experts will be invited to certain events in order to be able to discuss specific topics in a focused manner. The number of participants is expected to be limited to a maximum of 25 participants for practical workshops and up to 50 for topic-centered events in order to be able to work productively.

All information on the events can now be found on this page. We have a central listserver on which you can register at any time using the link provided on the page. On our blog you will find short reports on past events and on the pages of heiSKILLS you will find further event formats on the topic of AI and teaching.

Event Dates


Titel and FormatTimePlace
Titel and FormatTimePlace
Geschichte der KI - Expertenworkshop mit Dr. Helen Piel und PD Dr. Rudolf Seising vom Deutschen Museum München
17.05.2024 / 14.30 Uhr - 16.30 Uhr 
Custom GPTs für die eigene Lehrveranstaltung - 'Bring your own stuff' - Hands-on Workshop
23.02.2023 / 14.30 Uhr - 16.30 Uhr
HSE / Seminarraum 004 / Bergheimer Straße 104