Heidelberg Center for Digital HumanitiesWorking Group

The Digital Humanities working group ensures that developments from research and teaching can be passed on easily to the executive board for decision-making (budget allocation, strategy formation), and to the Service Centre for further development of the service portfolio. At the same time, the working group serves the scientific exchange and communication of the service center's offers to individuals and new projects in the field of DH at the University of Heidelberg.

It is desired that within the working group also smaller interest groups and professional associations come together, whose results, research impulses and inquiries are passed on and made visible through the coordination office. The spokesperson of the working group and the DH coordinator will communicate the results of the working groups and information on the thematic and methodological approaches of the projects involved in each group to the executive board. This shall serve the purpose of transparent and up to date communication with the board; the board will thus be able to make decisions as efficiently and informed as possible.

Currently, the working group is divided into three individual groups after consultation with the members:

  • Tool and Research Workshop (synergy of projects, visibility, interdisciplinarity and cooperation).
  • Teaching and continuing education (development of continuing education formats)
  • Strategy and planning (needs assessment and identification in the infrastructural area and thematic priorities HFDH).

The results of the individual groups are discussed collectively in the working group and then brought to the board for deliberation.

Speaker of the working group is Dr. Kilian Schultes.

All members of Heidelberg University who are interested in DH and have at least a Master's degree or equivalent can apply to become members of the DH working group. The application must be confirmed by the Executive Board.

The following faculties, research associations and centres are already part of the working group: