Technology Transfer

The university endeavours to transfer research results and scientific findings to industry and the economy. With its Industry-on-Campus projects – strategic research cooperations with companies in the research city of Heidelberg and the region – Ruperto Carola networks its basic research with the application-oriented research of its industrial partners, enabling the shared development of technological and medical innovations.

The transfer of basic research for application in the life sciences is supported by the Biotechnology Cluster Rhine-Neckar (BioRN), which is funded as a BMBF leading-edge cluster; the EIT Health site centre in Heidelberg/Mannheim; and the BMBF M²OLIE Research Campus with the participation of the Medical Faculty Mannheim of Ruperto Carola. Heidelberg University's entrepreneurial potential is also reflected in its successful applications to the GO-Bio (BMBF) and EXIST (BMWi) programmes, which promote technology transfer and provide researchers with funding to turn research results into products.

Industry on Campus