Show Respect, Promote Diversity, Work Together

»Semper Apertus.« Always open. In accordance with its motto, HeidelbergUniversity aspires to develop and harness knowledge and skills in a spirit of open-mindedness towards people and ideas and to pass these on to future generations.

In addition to providing equal opportunity for all people and promoting the compatibility of work and family life, Heidelberg University is committed to upholding the principle of diversity and equality, both inside and outside the University.

As part of the campaign »Zieh einen Schlussstrich«(draw a line) of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and universities in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Heidelberg University is therefore sending a strong signal for respectful and fair conduct towards one another and against sexual harassment, bullying, stalking and discrimination. To that effect, a resolutionwas passed in the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and signed by the representatives of all forms of higher education as well as the Minister of Science, Research and the Arts, Theresia Bauer, in August 2020.


Activities, Events and Measures

The campus campaign “Heidelberg University – Show Respect, Promote Diversity, Work Together” will be launched in spring 2021 with an idea contest for students.

In addition, researchers will give talks on and discuss the topics of the campaign as part of an opening event in February that can be accessed digitally. There will also be a university-wide survey, a talk on cyberbullying and a training seminar for personnel in executive positions in May, all dedicated to the topic. The campaign will conclude in summer 2021 with the publication of an online tutorial.

Discrimination – A discussion from the perspective of anthropology and economics

For the first event of the campaign, two young researchers took the stage: Sabine Mohamed, doctoral student at the Institute of Anthropology at Heidelberg University, and Dr Katharina Mader, professor at the Department of Economics, Institute for Heterodox Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, discussed and shared their current research results on the topic of discrimination from their respective fields. Afterwards, the audience had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss further.

Talk on cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a topic that may not only affect students on social media. In her digital talk on 3 February 2021, Tanja Kramper, the coordinator of victim protection at Mannheim Police Headquarters, shed light on cyberbullying and how to deal with it. Demonstrating what professional conduct towards one another can look like on social media, Tanja Kramper also shared practical experience from the Department of Crime Prevention at Heidelberg Police. Everyone who is affected by cyberbullying as well as students and all those interested in hearing about the topic were invited.

Film screening on International Women’s Day

On International Women’s Day, a screening will take place of the documentary “Picture a Scientist.” In this film, biologist Nancy Hopkins, chemist Raychelle Burks and geologist Jane Willenbring share their experiences in the sciences. From the beginning, they find themselves confronted with discrimination and have to fight steadily for recognition, respect and equal opportunity. The screening will be followed by a discussion with researchers from the University. Dr Annika Guse (Biosciences, COS), Dr Christiane Opitz (Neurosciences, DKFZ) and Professor Christiane Schwieren (Economics, Equal Opportunities Commissioner of Heidelberg University), as moderator, will take part in the discussion.

Monday, 8 March 2021, 7pm-8:30pm film screening
8:30pm-9:30pm discussion with researchers from Heidelberg University
Registration via
The link to the event will be sent to you by email after your registration has been received.

University-wide survey on discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and stalking

A university-wide survey aimed at students and employees at Heidelberg University will be carried out soon. The focus of the survey will be experiences with (sexual) harassment, bullying, stalking and discrimination. The survey also presents definitions as well as measures and information from Heidelberg University on the issue and seeks to identify spaces at Heidelberg University that may cause anxiety. The survey will be made available here shortly.

Talk on how to professionally deal with discrimination, bullying and stalking

This online event is primarily aimed at individuals with personnel responsibilities or teaching responsibilities and persons of trust, but it is also open to everyone who is interested in hearing about the topic. Dr Agnes Speck and Charlotte von Knobelsdorff from Heidelberg University’s Equal Opportunities Office will present strategies and preventive measures in place at Heidelberg University and provide guidance to the participants (especially supervisors) on how to act in cases of discrimination, bullying or stalking. The speakers will address points of contact, possible courses of action and relevant information on the topic. Afterwards, the coordinator of victim protection at Heidelberg Police, Tanja Kramper, will share her practical experience. Ms Kunkel (HR Division) and Ms Bruntsch (Law and Committees Division) will be available for questions.

Thursday, 6 May 2021, 10am-12noon 
Registration via

Online tutorial on how to professionally deal with discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and stalking

What are discrimination, harassment, bullying and stalking? What are the legal definitions of these terms? How are such actions punished? How does Heidelberg University deal with such actions? Who can individuals affected by discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying or stalking turn to and who can advisers contact for help? How can they receive support inside and outside the University? Which strategies, preventive measures and offers does the University provide in that regard? These questions will be addressed and answered in an online tutorial, which will be made available here in summer 2021.