WorkshopA Confident Appearance: Conscious Use of Body Language and Voice


Completing an oral examination in a foreign language - in this case in German - is a significant challenge and can lead to nervousness and insecurities when studying for the exam as well as during the exam itself. In turn, this can have a negative effect on how well you do in the exam.

This workshop is intended to help you develop more self-confidence in oral examinations and aid you in retrieving knowledge in stressful situations by improving your personal impression through conscious use of body language and voice. This is an important skill, not only in examination situations but also for presentation, in interviews or in everyday life.

Our theatre educator will help you work on the following aspects of your appearance with the help of practical exercises:

  • Body language
  • Gestures and facial expressions
  • Use of voice

Please note

Registration is now open.

This course will be offered in German. Prerequisites are therefore good German language skills (min. Intermediate Course II).

The workshop is aimed at international students in their first academic semesters of Bachelor’s or state examination programmes who wish to be more confident in oral examinations.



Course leader:
Eugen Gerein, M.A., theatre pedagogy, freelance trainer and consultant
Date and time:
30 October 2021, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
This course will take place in presence.


Please register until 15 October 2021 under
Registration after this date is possible. We recommend early registration, however, due to the limited number of places available.