Faculty of TheologyChristianity and Culture – Master

The degree programme in Christianity and Culture focusses on the origin and current state of Christianity as a cultural phenomenon. The degree programme covers theoretical and empirically-founded aspects of the subject and offers students the opportunity to develop a specialism of their choice.

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Arts
Type of programmeConsecutive
Start of programmeWinter and summer semester
Standard period of study4 semesters
Language(s) of instructionGerman
Fees and contributions151.05 € / Semester
Application procedureConsecutive master’s programmes with access restriction
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Part-time optionYes
May be studied as a minor subjectYes

Course Content

The Master’s degree programme in Christianity and Culture gives students the opportunity to further the specialist knowledge gained in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Christianity and Culture. Students apply their knowledge in the interpretation of theological texts and topics. They explore complex topics and present their findings in academic papers. Students are able to select course elements according to their interests. This enables them to develop a specialism in a specific subject area or topic. It is generally possible to change specialism between the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. Students who have not completed the Bachelor’s degree programme in Christianity and Culture may also be admitted to the Master’s degree programme.  

Depending on students’ chosen area of specialism, they may be required to demonstrate knowledge of a source language. Students have the opportunity to fulfil language requirements during the Master’s degree programme.

It is mandatory to choose a minor in combination with this Master programme. For further information please refer to the Examination Rules and Regulations.

Course Structure

The Master’s degree programme consists in general compulsory elements (academic theory), compulsory elements in the student’s area of specialism, and elective elements. The following may be chosen as areas of specialism: 

  • Biblical studies (Old Testament and/or New Testament with Hebrew and/or Greek) 
  • Christian history (history of the Christian church with Latin or Greek)  
  • Dogmatics (biblical, historical and current topics with the opportunity to integrate these topics with theological teachings and the argumentative presentation of elements of Christian belief - with Latin, Greek or Hebrew) 
  • Ethics and social behaviour (knowledge and insight into problems relating to behaviours motivated by Christian belief in the past and present. Students are able to make ethical judgements - with Latin, Greek or Hebrew) 
  • Religious studies / intercultural theory (theoretical approaches and knowledge of Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as new religious movements and esoterism. Intercultural theology focusses on the theology and history of Christianity in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and considers central questions within intercultural theory - with Latin or a non-European source language). 

The Master’s degree programme in Christianity and Culture requires that students gain 20 credits in a minor subject. Christianity and Culture may be studied as a minor subject, in combination with an area of specialism. 

My Way To Application And Admission

Via the button “Select subject and apply +” you can add this subject to the study program finder's watch list. There you will find information on application, admission and enrolment tailored to your individual application profile, and can also access the application platform. Please observe the respective dates and deadlines.