Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Economics – Bachelor 50%

Economic issues play a central role in our daily lives: economic growth, wage inequality and unemployment are featured just as frequently in the media as financial crises, emissions trading or the consequences of globalisation. At the same time, we must all make numerous economic decisions in our private and professional lives. Students in the economics programme focus on analysing and answering these and similar questions.

Facts & Formalities

DegreeBachelor of Science
Type of programmeUndergraduate
Start of programmeWinter semester only
Standard period of study6 semesters
Language(s) of instructionGerman
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application procedureSubjects with local admission restriction
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Teaching degree optionYes

Course Content

Based on modern methods and concepts, the degree programme in economics conveys a sound understanding of economic relationships. Thanks to the skills and competencies acquired during the academic programme, graduates will be able to successfully analyse and develop economic and societal processes. Therefore, acquisition of the theoretical tools, mathematical and empirical techniques associated with economics are an important prerequisite. 

The core areas of economics include compulsory modules in the various areas of economics, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, public finance, mathematics and statistics, as well as specialisation options on the basis of elective modules in which students can familiarise themselves with many different topical areas of economics. 

In the 50%-option of the B.Sc in economics, the focus is on acquisition of economic core competencies. The combination with a further major subject at 50% opens up numerous academic and professional options for graduates.

Course Structure

The polyvalent Bachelor's degree opens up two qualification options: the academic training can serve as the basis for the Master of Education in the Lehramt Gymnasium profile if the career goal is to become a teacher. At the same time, the polyvalent Bachelor can be the basis for a Master of Arts or Master of Science. This study decision can be made during the Bachelor's degree programme.

The Bachelor's degree programme economics as a major subject at 50% is a polyvalent programme. It can be studied as a pure subject option with the aim of, e.g., gaining the necessary qualification to enrol in the Master’s programme in economics at Heidelberg University. This option requires at least 74 ECTS in economics (including mathematics, statistics and econometrics). In general, this can be achieved by selecting exclusively economic courses from the range of electives and choosing an economic topic for the Bachelor's thesis. Students can also acquire extra economic credits. 

The Bachelor programme in economics as a major subject at 50% can also be studied as a teaching degree option with the aim of qualifying for the respective Master of Education. In the teaching degree option, the vocational skills and interdisciplinary skills modules of both majors are replaced by credits gained in education studies, specialised didactics and through practical experience enabling students to acquire teaching degree-related additional qualifications during the Bachelor’s programme. In contrast to the subject option, students who choose the teaching degree option can replace the module Corporate Governance with the module Introduction to Business Sciences.

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