
Medical Faculty MannheimMedicine (study location Mannheim) – Staatsexamen

Teaching in the degree programme in Mannheim (Mannheimer Modellstudiengang, MaReCuM) is organised into a series of integrated modules. The traditional boundaries between specialist subject areas are overridden, resulting in a focus on topics, organs and specific illnesses or conditions. This is coupled with an emphasis on using clinical research to inform basic research and teaching.

Facts & Formalities

DegreeState Examination
Type of programmeUndergraduate
Start of programmeWinter semester only
Language(s) of instructionGerman
Fees and contributions151.05 € / Semester
Application procedureSubjects with Germanywide admission restriction
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.

Course Content

Heidelberg University has two medical faculties; one in Heidelberg, and one in Mannheim. The Medical degree programme offered in Mannheim (Modellstudiengang, MaReCuM) breaks teaching down into integrated modules, which moves beyond classical understandings of the study of medicine to focus on organs and clinical manifestations of illness. This focus reflects the explicit integration of clinical research with fundamental research and teaching. 

Lectures and courses are organised in modules. During stage I studies, teaching focusses on science and specific organs. At the same time, the link between scientific knowledge and relevant content from later clinical study is emphasised. This provides students with the basic medical knowledge and offers them initial insight into the human organism as a whole: Students learn to understand why humans can walk, how the nervous system functions, and why the human heart keeps on beating. 

Courses and lectures are also structured into modules during stage 2 studies of the MaReCuM. Students are taught in seminars and practical groups and interdisciplinary, clinical training is addressed as an integrated part of the curriculum. 

The entire MaReCuM degree programme is orientated towards the core competencies required by medical doctors. As such, the ethics of medical practice are also included in the curriculum, as well as medical communication, working with patients, and health economics. From the very beginning of the course, students are supported by mentors who provide feedback on their performance.  

The practice year in Mannheim is divided into four phases, with a compulsory period spent in “ambulatory medicine”. This compulsory element of the course reflects the fact that an increasing number of illnesses are treated by ambulatory medical services, rather than through inpatient care. During this phase, students learn about the necessary treatment processes. 

Course Structure

The Medical degree programme lasts for a period of at least six years and three months. At the end of the programme, students sit the state examination and become licenced to practice as a medical doctor. The degree programme consists in the preclinical phase which lasts for a duration of two years, after which students sit their first examination. A further three years are spent completing the clinical phase of study, at the end of which students sit their second examination. The third phase is the practice year, followed by the third examination. The training objectives, course content and structure reflect the standards established in the regulations pertaining to the licensing of medical doctors. 

Students must prove the completion of a first aid training as well as a three-month period of nursing before finishing their stage I studies. In MaReCuM, a certain number of places is available for students to complete their three month period of nursing internship. This work placement is part of their stage I studies and can be done at the University Hospital or at the Central Institute of Mental Health. For the fulfillment of the first-aid-requirements, MaReCuM offers an extracurricular course run by ASB Mannheim that can be taken as part of the elective subjects during the preclinical phase in the second year of study. 

Following successful completion of stage 1 studies and the first state examination (M1), students are able to begin the clinical phase of the degree programme which continues throughout years three, four and five. Clinical traineeships are also a compulsory part of stage 2 studies, whereby students must spend 120 days gaining relevant practical experience. At the end of stage 2 studies, students sit the second part of the state examination (M2), after which they complete the practice year. At the end of the third year, they sit the third state examination (M3).

My Way To Application And Admission

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