
Anyone who is interested in attending lectures at Heidelberg University without being enrolled as a student, can register as a guest auditor. This enables you to attend diverse lectures in any subject area. Further information on deadlines for registration and fees can be found here.


​​You do not require any particular qualification in order to register as an auditor. A specific school leaving certificate is not required (see State Higher Education Act, Landeshochschulgesetz § 64).

During the registration period, you can request a registration form by calling the following number: 06221 54 54 54. We will then promptly send you the registration documents. You can complete the form at home, and return it to us by post. As soon as we receive the fully completed form, we will process your application.

Please send your documents for registration as an auditor to the following address:

Heidelberg University
Division 2.1 Student Administration
Seminarstrasse 2
69117 Heidelberg

Registration Period

Registration for the summer semester should be completed between 1 March and 30 April. For the winter semester, registration should take place between 1 August and 31 October.