heiINNOVATION talks Digital Health. From an Analog to a Digital World

Digitisation as a major force of change is increasingly presenting new challenges for the healthcare sector. However, digitalisation also has the potential to rethink traditional solutions with the help of new technologies, innovative products and advanced services, and to adapt them efficiently to a rapidly changing world. Entrepreneurship as an important driver for the further development of innovative ideas, current research approaches and technology transfer are of particular focus. The series offers a cross section of perspectives from different stakeholders in the health sector, and at the same time gives actors from research, politics and business the opportunity to network with each other.

The talks take place online every Wednesday and start at 5 pm. The series is conceptually supported by the hih - health innovation hub of the Federal Ministry of Health in Berlin.

Series of talks

Wednesday, October 7, 5-6 pm

The future of healthcare in a digital world
Keynote by Dr. Henrik Matthies, health innovation hub

Wednesday, October 14, 5-6 pm

Challenges and status quo in Digital Health
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Oliver Opitz, KTBW und Heinrich Lanz Zentrum

Wednesday, October 21, 5-6 pm

From idea to prototype, from prototype to product
Speaker: Diana Heinrichs, Lindera

Wednesday, October 28, 5-6 pm

Research and State of the Art Technologies in Digital Health
Speaker: Jun. Prof. Dr. Sandy Engelhardt, Heidelberg University Hospital

Wednesday, November 4, 5-6 pm

Market Access for Digital Health Products and Services
Speaker: Jan Brönneke, health innovation hub

Wednesday, November 11, 5-6 pm

How do you raise money for Digital Health Start-ups? What are VCs looking for?
Speaker: Uwe Horstmann, Project A

Wednesday, November 18, 5-6 pm

Pathways to the First Healthcare Market
Speaker: Benjamin Westerhoff, BARMER

Wednesday, November 25, 5-6 pm

Transforming Healthcare Together - Collaboration Approaches for Startups and Corporates
Speaker: Matthias Zach, Roche Diagnostics GmbH

Wednesday, December 2, 5-6 pm

Integrating Augmented and Virtual Reality into Clinical Routine
Speaker: Dr. med. Lars Riedemann, Heidelberg University Hospital

Wednesday, January 13, 5-6 pm

Machine Learning in Biomedical Image Analysis. Challenges, Pitfalls and New Research Fields
Speaker Prof. Dr. Lena Maier-Hein, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ

Wednesday, February 3, 5-6 pm

Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizintechnik
Speaker Prof. Dr. Jan Stallkamp, Fraunhofer IPA Mannheim

Wednesday, February 17, 5-6 pm

Software that Empowers Patients and Physicians
Speaker: Prof. (apl.) Dr. Daniel Gotthardt, Gotthardt Healthgroup AG Heidelberg

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