Transfer Profile
Heidelberg University aims to establish knowledge and technology transfer as a third strong pillar alongside research and teaching. It supports transfer activities and the development of future-oriented ideas in order increase society's participation in scientifically generated knowledge, to successfully transfers research results into applications and to fully exploits Ruperto Carola's innovative potential.
Sustainable structures have been built in the field of knowledge and technology transfer through the Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer and the establishment of the university's transfer agency hei_INNOVATION. In addition, ScienceValue Heidelberg GmbH was founded as a new institution, which, as a 100% subsidiary of the university, acts as a consulting and commercialisation company for academic technology transfer. Another actor is the Rectorate's Communication and Marketing Department, which oversees for the area of communication and especially science communication. These partners jointly organise and promote knowledge and technology transfer at Heidelberg University.
Particularly strong transfer areas at the university include the four Fields of Focus as well as, within the framework of the Excellence Strategy, the Flagship Initiatives, the interdisciplinary incubators Marsilius-Kolleg (MK), Heidelberg Center of the Environment (HCE) and the Institute for Scientific Computing (IWR) along with the two Clusters of Excellence 'STRUCTURES' and '3D Matter Made to Order'. Throught the Industry on Campus projects the university has already been practising technology transfer for many years as collaborations between science and industry in innovative project structures. Furthermore, the high potential for innovation and transfer at Heidelberg University is demonstrated in cross-institutional partnerships and regional and international cooperations.
The University of Heidelberg strives to enable society's participation in scientifically generated knowledge and to transform research results into applications. These goals have become even more important through the university's success in the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments.
Transfer Highlights
Transfer Hotspots
Fields of Focus
In the first and second funding phases of the Excellence Initiative, four major research fields, the "Fields of Focus", have emerged on which research cooperation is focused across institutional and disciplinary boundaries. The Fields of Focus create profitable links to the University's excellent institutional non-university research environment and are strategic instruments for the further development of the full University of Heidelberg.