
To help address complex ecological challenges, Heidelberg University strengthens the exchange between academic players and non-scientific partners and promotes the transfer of research findings on sustainability and the environment to business and industry.

Nachhaltigkeit: Welt

Communication About Sustainability

Heidelberg University uses various event formats aimed at both the general public and at certain parts of the public to transfer scientific findings relating to sustainability to society. The aim is to inform the public about current research projects in the environmental sciences and related disciplines and to promote the dialogue between science and society.

The events include the research colloquium ‘Heidelberg Bridge’ at the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE), which addresses the challenges and ecological impact of natural, technical and societal change on humankind. In addition to promoting scientific discourse, the colloquium wants to strengthen the dialogue with the public and increase awareness for the societal relevance of environmental and sustainability research. The Monday Conference at the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, which takes place once a week during the semester, also deals with sustainability-related subjects such as the energy revolution and climate change. The ’Marsilius kontrovers’ event format coordinated at the Marsilius Kolleg has invited scientists to debate the subject of bioeconomics from the viewpoints of different disciplines.

Scientific Training Programme

HeiSKILLS, the Competence and Language Centre at Heidelberg University, has developed the scientific training programme "Sustainable Leadership" to teach approaches and methods for a sustainable leadership culture. The fee-based programme is aimed at prospective and experienced managers in companies and public institutions who want to strengthen their leadership skills and promote sustainability in their organisations and beyond.

Sustainable Leadership

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