Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI) (Archive)
The Think Tank
The Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI) is an Industry on Campus project that was established in early 2008 for an initial term of five years by Heidelberg University, Robert Bosch GmbH, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Heidelberg Engineering, Silicon Software and PCO AG. The interdisciplinary HCI attempts to solve long-standing and difficult problems of image processing and to translate the results of this research to applications with the help of the companies involved and other cooperation partners.
The HCI consists of five research groups and four directors and of additional postdoctoral positions that are financed with the help of the Excellence Initiative and the industrial partners. With a staff of 60, it is the largest centre of its kind in Germany and has gained a reputation as a "think tank" for image processing.