Dr. Yingwei Yan
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Yingwei YAN was a doctoral candidate in the National University of Singapore and research associate at the GIScience Research Group of the Institute of Geography in Heidelberg.
- Volunteered geographic information
- Environmental modelling
- Artificial intelligence
- Land use and land cover change
- Disaster management
- Applications of geographic information system, remote sensing, and global positioning system as spatial decision support systems
- Sine 01/2016: Crowd FDA: Crowdsourcing for Forensic Disaster Analysis, Germany, research associate
- 3/2016-7/2016: Impacts of Landscape Patterns on Urban Ecology and Sustainability, Singapore, research assistant
- 8/2012-8/2016: Village Tree, Singapore, graduate student researcher
- 3/2015-4/2015: A Study on the Application of Volunteered Geo-Crowdsourcing Videos in Smart Urban Management, China, participated in research proposal writing.
- Since 10/2016: Research associate at GIScience Research Group, Heidelberg University, Germany
- Since 08/2012: Doctoral candidate in Geoinformation Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- 08/2011-11/2012: M.Sc. in Geoinformation Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
- 09/2009-07/2011: Product engineer in Hi-Target Survey Instrument Company LTD, China
- 09/2005-08/2009: B.Eng. in surveying and mapping engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, China
- Yan, Y., Feng, C.-C., & Wang, Y.-C. (2016). Utilizing fuzzy set theory to assure the quality of volunteered geographic information. Geojournal. doi:10.1007/s10708-016-9699-x.
- Yan, Y., Feng, C.-C., Wang, Y.-C., Wan, M. P.-H., & Chang, K. T.-T. (2016). Potential distributional changes of invasive crop pest species associated with global climate change. Applied Geography, under review.
- Yan, Y., Feng, C.-C., Wan, M. P.-H., & Chang, K. T.-T. (2015), Multiple regression and artificial neural network for the prediction of crop pest risks. In ISCRAM-MED 2015, N. Bellamine Ben Saoud, C. Adam, & C. Hanachi (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) 233, Springer, 73-84.
- Yan, Y. (2016) Investigating potential distributional changes of invasive crop pest species associated with global climate change using GIS. Esri User Conference 2016, 27th-30th June 2016, CA, USA.
- Yan, Y. (2015) Quality measurement of volunteered geographic information: a fuzzy logic model. The 23rd International Conference on Geoinformatics, June 19-21, 2015, Wuhan, China.
- 06/2016: Esri Young Scholar Award, USA
- 08/2012-08/2016: Four-Year Full Research Scholarship from National University of Singapore, Singapore
- 8/2015: Third-Class Scholarship from Shandong Jianzhu University, China
- 8/2016 Guest lecturer (postgraduate course) in the National University of Singapore (Course title: GIS Applications,)
- 08/2011-11/2012 Teaching assistant (undergraduate courses) in the National University of Singapore (Course titles: Introduction to GIS, Methods & Practices in Geography, Cartography and Visualization, Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing)
- 10/2015 Guest lecturer (undergraduate course) in the National University of Singapore (Course title: Environmental Modelling)
- International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor & Francis
- Annals of GIS, Taylor & Francis
- Esri Young Scholars Award Winner for 2016 – Mr Yan Yingwei
- NUS Researcher Yingwei speaks on How he used Smart Mapping Technology to Provide Cutting-Edge Food Security Solution
- Yan, Y. (2016). Exploring Volunteered Geographic Information with Data Quality Control for Integrated Pest Management. PhD thesis.
- Yan, Y. (2012). Analysing the Dynamic Urban Land Use Changes in Pudong Zhangjiang of Shanghai based on Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing. Master thesis.
- Yan, Y. (2016). Exploring the Vault Settlement Rules of Large-section Collapsible Loess Tunnels and Settlement Control Methods. Bachelor thesis.
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