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Michela Bonato

Michela Bonato, M.A.

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Michela Bonato was a Ph.D. Candidate at the Geographical Institute of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg; M.A. in Chinese Studies at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy, where she found inspiration for her studies on urbanism, architecture and demography in South-West China. Always been interested in social dynamics, she is currently working on a water management topic from a historiographical perspective.

Research interests
  • water politics
  • urban planning and demographic studies
  • hydraulic society theoretical milieu
  • Southwest China
  • Cartography and Modernism in Europe and China (Conference Proceedings, forthcoming).
  • 12/2013 Structural Reasons of Current Upgrading: Urban and Industrial Images of the Chinese City Chongqing from 1949 until 1980, in Scientific Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, University of Iasi - Geography series, Vol. 59, No. 2, 2013, at http://www.analegeo.uaic.ro
  • 08/2013 Chinese Party Legitimacy and National Pride: dancing between control and silence. A comment, published on OsservatorioAsia – Alberto Forchielli personal blog
    Article available also in Chinese, 中国党派合法性与民族自尊心:游离于控制与沉默之间, at http://fugeli.blog.caixin.com.
  • 05/2012 Zusammenfassung der Magisterarbeit „Chongqing ist ein Phönix“ bei China Files.com (online Magazin; auf Italienisch)
  • Bonato, M. (2012): Chongqing is a Phoenix. Abstract of master thesis (italian) – at ChinaFiles.com (online magazine).
  • 05/2014
    Panel On the way to an Asian Greater China? New Chinese foreign policy in Pacific area between nationalism and economic issues at the 12th Biennal Conference of Asian Studies in Israel, ASI 2014 at the University of Haifa, Israel, 25-26 Mai 2014
  • 05/2013
    Panel presentation Cartography and Visual Correspondences: Thought and Reality of Modernism in Europe and China at the Fifth Popular Seminar on Far East Philosophy Fine Correspondences: figures, symbols, myths, meeting points between East and West, Termini Imerese (PA), Italy
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