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Jie Guo

Dr. Jie Guo

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Jie Guo war bis Januar 2017 Doktorandin in der Professur für Humangeographie am Geographischen Institut Heidelberg.


Jie Guo graduated from Lanzhou University in China in 2012, and has been studied at the Department of Geography of Heidelberg University since then. She is interested in the fields of institutional transition, urban governance, and urban transformation in China. Theoretically, she is particularly concerned with 1) the intersections between China's neoliberal transition with a selective logic and elite-led, capital-driven urbanization processes, and 2) the dynamic balance of power relations, public-private interactions, and political-institutional arrangements that are reflected in, and are conversely shaped by, the changes to the urban built environment. Methodologically, she is interested in qualitative approach, particularly concerned with historical archival research and concept analysis, and how it can connect to theoretical engagements related to the areas of critical urban theory, governance regimes and public policies. Besides, she also prefers to adopt in-depth interviews and critical discourse analysis as complements to identify the conflicts between different ideologies, and to understand the consequences and make reflections on the spatial and socio-political changes.

Her dissertation, titled Neoliberal Transition and Urban Renewal in China – A Case Study of Industrial land Redevelopment in Lanzhou examines the origin of China’s speculative urbanization and new pattern of urban governance in the context of China’s neoliberal turning, and the process of restless urban renewal, commodification of urban space as well as speculative land development through local governance practices. By adopting a post-structuralist lense, her study emphasizes the multifaceted interactions as well as power relations, hidden behind the frequent conflicts, struggles, negotiations and cooperation among multiple stakeholders during urbanization. As such, her study hopes to identify, and meanwhile to elaborate such an implicit mechanism through which stakeholders are actively and passively involved in the renewal process, interacted with each other, and are in turn committed to maintaining, or break this fragile, unstable balance.

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Letzte Änderung: 13.05.2018
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