
Marcus Schneider2
Marcus Schneider


Dr. Marcus Schneider


Institute of Earth Sciences

Im Neuenheimer Feld 236, Room 112

D-69120 Heidelberg



+49 (0) 6221 54 4818



Curriculum Vitae

since 2023 Post-Doc in the research group for Biogeochemistry (Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University)
2021-2023 Lecturer (chemistry, hydrogeochemistry, environmental analytics)


PhD student in the research group for Biogeochemistry (Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University), Thesis: Rock-bound gases in the salt deposits of the Werra-Fulda potash district: relevance for deposit safety and insight into the formation of climate gases and ozone-depleting compounds during intraplate volcanism

2018-2019 Student assistant in the research group for Biogeochemistry (Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University)
2016-2019 Master study in geosciences (Insitute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University); master thesis: "Organic petrology: Prebiotic molecule formation and atmospheric evolution"
2016 Tebodin Peters Engineering (Bilfinger Group) as technical illustrator and industrial facility constructor
2012-2013 Student assistant (Research group for Environmental Chemistry, University Heidelberg)
2011-2016 H. Kunkel Engineering as technical illustrator
2011-2015 Bachelor study in geosciences (Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University); bachelor thesis: "Method development: Abiotic formation of hydrocarbons in hydrothermal systems"
2008-2009 LSMW Engineering (M+W Group) as technical illustrator

Research focus

Geothermal gas formation and the origin of life

One of the fundamental questions „when and how did life emerge on earth“ remains unanswered. Hydrothermal systems like „Black & White Smokers“ seem to be a possible environment for the origin of life. The required change of temperature and redoxpotential as well as an enrichment for biotic precursors can be found there. Our research focus links petrology with organic chemistry. We compare the gas content of hydrothermal rocks with laboratory experiments of hydrocarbon-formation under high temperature and high pressure conditions. We analyze the gas content as well as the mineralogical composition to show the interrelation between changes of the solid and gas phase.

Gas formation during intraplate volcanism and its global impact

We examine rocks of intraplate volcanism in central and southern Germany for their gas content and gas composition. By estimating the gas fluxes of intraplate volcanoes via gases content trapped in fluid inclusions, we aim to highlight its influence on the global climate. Using stable isotope techniques, we try to reconstruct the mechanisms of gas formation during contact metamorphism.

Analytical experience

Working experience:

  • CRDS
  • XRD
  • IRMS

University seminars

  • XRD (Multiphase- & Rietveld-Analysis)
  • EPMA
  • IR- & Raman-Spectroscopy
  • SIMS
  • IRMS



Introduction to general chemistry I




  • 2023 Golden Hammer ("for outstanding performance in teaching and dealing with his students")
  • 2019 Geology award ("for an excellent thesis") by the Geology Foundation of Heidelberg University
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Letzte Änderung: 07.08.2023
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