
"Reception, Transformation, Criticism – Hegel and Early Modern
Philosophy.” - "Rezeption, Transformation, Kritik - Hegel und die Philosophie der frühen Neuzeit"


While Hegel's philosophy is often read as an answer to Kant's project of transcendental philosophy, there are good reasons to think of Hegel as building on other early modern ideas. While he discusses, transforms, adapts, and/or criticizes these from a distinctly post-Kantian perspective, he does so in a highly original and often provocative way. This workshop is intended to discuss Hegel’s relationship to pre-Kantian thought, involving a great spectrum of themes and topics dealing with diverse aspects of Hegel’s relation to his predecessors in the Early Modern period (including Enlightenment philosophers).


19-21. November

Veranstalter: Dr. Ansgar Lyssy, Dr. Sebastian Stein

Ort: Hörsaal SGU 1017 in der Altstadt. Eingang ist über den Uniplatz. Google maps link


Streaming / Zoom links will be provided earlier on Friday, 19 November.



Gefördert mit großzügiger Unterstützung von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und der Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung


Plakat Hegel and Early Philosophy Grafik




Freitag 19.11.
16:00-17:30: Anton F. Koch (Heidelberg): Die Bewusstseinskapitel der Phänomenologie und ihre Bezüge zur Philosophie der frühen Neuzeit
18:00-19:00: Ana Silvia Munte (Tübingen): Hegels Kritik an Spinoza als Leitfaden seines Systems

Samstag 20.11
09:30-11:00: Katerina Deligiorgi (Sussex): What is the good? And what is it like when it is actual? Two questions for Hegel.
11:15-12:15: Winfried Lücke (Tübingen): G.W.F. Hegel und M. Mendelssohn über die menschliche Seele
14:00-15:30: Christopher Yeomans (Purdue): Montesquieu and Hegel on Group Representation
16:00-17:00: Karen Koch (FU Berlin): Purposes, Nature and Finite Minds – Hegel's Relation to Spinoza's Critique of Teleology
17:00-18:00: Anton Kabeshkin (Potsdam): Leibniz and Hegel on Intelligibility of Nature
18:30-20:00: James Kreines (Claremont McKenna):
Renewing the Old Story of Hegel as Idealist Spinoza

Sonntag 21.11
10:00-11:00: Ansgar Lyssy (Heidelberg): Hegel and the Principle of Sufficient Reason
11:15-12:15: Sebastian Stein (Heidelberg): Passion without slavery? — Hegel's critique of Hume’s concept of agency



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