Aktuelle Veranstaltungen


June 27-28, 2024: Uncovering the Familiar - Philosophical Approaches to Ubiquitous and Elusive Phenomenon

Venue: Lecture hall of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Karlstraße 4, 69117 Heidelberg


The conference aims to establish a framework for integrating diverse analyses of familiarity and shedding light on the normative dimensions involved. In addition, the talks will focus on the significance of interpersonal relationships in the formation, maintenance, and disruption of familiarity.


Laura Candiotto (Pardubice), Jérôme Dokic (Paris), Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg), Sanneke de Haan (Rotterdam), Julian Kiverstein (Amsterdam), Allan Køster (Aalborg), Michelle Maiese (Boston), Judith Martens (Antwerp), Hannes Gustav Melichar (Heidelberg/Milwaukee), Matthew Ratcliffe (York), Philipp Schmidt (Heidelberg/Würzburg), Daniel Vespermann (Heidelberg) 

Scientific Organization: Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Fuchs, Dr. Philipp Schmidt, Daniel Vespermann

Program and abstracts


Please register with Daniel.Vespermann@med.uni-heidelberg.de if you are interested in participating.

Participation is only possible in person.

We will also have a conference dinner on Thursday, 27th June and a joint lunch on Friday, 28th June. To help us with planning, please let us know when you register for the conference whether you also would like to attend the dinner and/or the joint lunch.

There is no conference fee, but we can only cover dinner and lunch for the speakers.



July, 4-5, 2024: Disordered Temporalities - Toward Quantitative Phenomenology

Venue: Jaspers Library of the Center for Psychosocial Medicine, Hospital for General Psychiatry, Building 1, Voßstraße 4, 69115 Heidelberg

The event takes place in-person and online


Scientific Organization: Marcin Moskalewicz, Anastazja Szuła, and Thomas Fuchs

Phenomenological Psychopathology section at Heidelberg Psychiatric Clinic (Germany);
Philosophy of Mental Health Unit at the Department of Social Sciences and the Humanities, Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland);
Phenomenology and Mental Health Network, The Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice in Health and Social Care, St. Catherine's
College, Oxford (UK)

To receive the Zoom-link, please write to: phenomenologymentalhealth@gmail.com 

The event is sponsored by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Polish National Science Centre (2021/42/E/HS1/00106).




Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Fuchs, M.A. Daniel Vespermann
Forschungskolloquium: "Vertrautheit und Vertrauen als Grundelemente einer intersubjektiven Anthropologie"
Mi 18.00-19.30
Aktuelles Semesterprogramm: hier
Anmeldung bei: Daniel.Vespermann@med.uni-heidelberg.de


Nächster Vortrag

[Online]: 10. Juli 2024

Intersubjective trust and anomalous experience: How psychiatric diagnosis may impede intersubjectivity

 Dr. Sabina Wantoch (University College London)


Die Vortragsreihe ist im "Hybrid-Format" und mit ausschließlich online stattfindenden Vorträgen geplant (siehe Semesterprogramm).


 Den Zoom-Link erhalten Sie/erhaltet ihr nach Anmeldung von Daniel.Vespermann(at)med.uni-heidelberg.de.















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Letzte Änderung: 08.07.2024
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