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Lukas Spielhofer
Seminar für Klassische Philologie |
Research interests
- Ancient fable (esp. Babrius and Aesopica)
- Ancient didactic poetry (Hesiodus, Nicander, Vergil, Nemesianus)
- Sensory perception in (ancient) literature
- Late antique ‚minor‘ poetry (esp. cento, prosimetron, hymns)
- Early humanist poetry (carmina liminaria, book epigrams, literary inscriptions)
- Digital editing and digital media in Classics
2018-2021 | PhD in Classics from the University of Graz (Austria) (dissertation: “Babrius’ Mythiambi: An Interpretative Commentary, with Notes on Composition, Structure, and Poetic Programme”; examiners: Ursula Gärtner [Graz]; Niklas Holzberg [Munich]) |
2013-2023 | Degrees in Classics (BA 2017, Mag.phil. 2018), Educational Sciences (BA 2017), Romance Studies (MA 2021), and Digital Humanities (MA 2023) from the University of Graz |
Academic Positions
since 04/2024 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Assistant professor), Heidelberg University, Seminar für Klassische Philologie (Chair: Jonas Grethlein) |
10/2023-03/2024 | Erwin Schrödinger-Fellow of the FWF, University of Oxford, Faculty of Classics and Oriel College |
10/2021-09/2023 | University Assistant (Post-Doc), University of Graz, Department of Classics (Chair: Ursula Gärtner) |
01/2020-09/2021 | DOC Fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, University of Graz, Department of Classics |
10/2019-09/2021 | Lecturer for Classical Philology, University of Graz, Department of Classics |
09/2018-09/2021 | High School teacher (subjects Latin and Greek), Akademisches Gymnasium Graz |
10/2017-09/2019 | Research Assistant (Pre-Doc), University of Graz, Department of Classical Philology (Project title: „Fabula docet – Wer will schon saure Trauben? Grazer Repositorium antiker Fabeln (GRaF)“, PI: U. Gärtner) |
Fellowships, Grants, and Awards
2024 | Academic Excellency Scholarship of the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF) |
2024 | Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae. Austria’s highest award in recognition of excellent academic performance |
2023-2025 | Erwin-Schrödinger Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Austrian Research Fund (FWF) (for a research stay at the University of Oxford) |
2022-2025 | ‚Sparkling Science‘-grant of the BMBWF for the project „SISTE VIATOR. Latein auf Stein 2.0. Lateinische Inschriften für Digitales und Außerschulisches Lernen (LIDAL)“ (together with U. Gärtner) |
2020-2021 | DOC Doctoral Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences |
2018 | Würdigungspreis of the BMBWF for the best diploma and master’s degree graduates |
2014-2017 | Academic Merit Scholarship of the University of Graz |
2024 | Research stay at the University of Toronto (Department of Classics; 16.-27.09.2024) |
2023-2024 | Erwin-Schrödinger Fellowship at the University of Oxford (Faculty of Classics, Oriel College; 01.10.2023-31.03.2024) |
2023 | Research stays at Ghent University (Faculty of Humanities; 05.02.-01.03.2023; 11.-25.08.2023) |
2024 | „Per limina. Printed Paratexts and the Intellectual Networks of Humanism (15th-18th c.)“, international workshop, University of Innsbruck, 06.-07.12.2024 (together with F. Schaffenrath, G. Abbamonte and D. Graziano; planned) |
2023 | „With new Muse – Babrius: Basics, Approaches, Perspectives“, international workshop, University of Graz, 12.05.2023 (together with U. Gärtner) |
2022 | „Et in cothurnis prodit Aesopus nouis. On the interaction between ancient fable and literary genres“, international conference, University of Graz, 02.-04.06.2022 (together with U. Gärtner) |
2020 | „Ancient Fables: Sour Grapes? New Approaches“, international conference, University of Graz, 02.10.2020 (together with U. Gärtner) |
2019 | „GRaF-SchülerInnenkongress 2019“, University of Graz, 24.05.2019 (together with U. Gärtner) |
2018 | „usus uetusto genere, sed rebus nouis – Workshop zur Antiken Fabel“, international workshop, University of Graz, 09.-10.11.2018 (together with U. Gärtner) |
2018 | „GRaF-SchülerInnenkongress 2018“, University of Graz, 25.05.2018 (together with U. Gärtner) |
- Babrios: Ein Interpretationskommentar zu den Prologen und Fabeln 1 bis 17, Stuttgart 2023 (Hermes Einzelschriften 125).
Edited Volumes
- Together with U. Gärtner: Ancient Fables – Sour Grapes? New Approaches, Hildesheim/Zürich/New York 2022 (Spudasmata 195) [V. Bottini, AAHG 76.3, 2023, 118-124; M. Cozzolino, BSL 53.2, 2023, 790-792; D. Fasolini, CFCL 43.2, 2023, 385-386].
- “Poets in Dialogue: Literary Communication and Authorial (Self-)Characterisation in Humanist Liminary Poetry”, Humanistica Lovaniensia 73, 2024 (in print).
- “Nets, Rods, Flutes. The Metapoetics of Fishing in the Mythiambi”. In: Gärtner, U./Spielhofer, L. (Eds.): Ancient Fables – Sour Grapes? New Approaches, Hildesheim/Zürich/New York 2022 (Spudasmata 195), 153-174.
- “Autorbild und Autorfiktion bei Babrios und Minoides Mynas”. In: Tischer, U./Gärtner, U./Forst, A. (Eds.): ut pictura poeta. Author images and the reading of ancient literature, Turnhout 2022 (Giornale Italiano di Filologia – Bibliotheca 29), 233-258.
- Together with S. Baumann: “Intertextual and Metapoetic Aspects of Ausonius’ cento nuptialis (Cent. nupt. 12–32; 57–66)”. In: Baumbach, M. (Ed.): Cento-Texts in the Making. Aesthetics and Poetics of Cento-Techniques from Homer to Zong!, Trier 2022 (Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium 109), 135-155.
- “‚Erstgeborener, Zweigestaltiger, dreimal Geborener‘ – Epitheta in den Orphischen Hymnen zwischen Deskriptivität, Allusivität und Narrativität”, Gymnasium 129, 2022, 431-452.
- “(De/Re-)Constructing Identity in Babrius’s Mythiambi”, Hermes 149/3, 2021, 364-381.
- “Das Grazer Repositorium antiker Fabeln (GRaF) und seine Potenziale für die Entwicklung von Medienkompetenz”, Der Altsprachliche Unterricht 5/2021, 48-51.
- Together with S. Lang: “Digitale Lernplattformen und Open Educational Resources im altsprachlichen Unterricht I: Technische Spielräume am Beispiel ‚Grazer Repositorium antiker Fabeln‘ (GRaF)”, Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften 5, 2020.
- Together with S. Lang: “Digitale Lernplattformen und Open Educational Resources im altsprachlichen Unterricht II: Didaktische Spielräume am Beispiel ‚Grazer Repositorium antiker Fabeln‘ (GRaF)”, Ianus 41, 2020, 31-43.
- “Babrios – Person, Werk, Überlieferung”. In: Gärtner, U. (Hg.): Grazer Repositorium antiker Fabeln (GRaF), 2019. Permalink: [07.04.2024].
- “Aesop – Person, Werk, Überlieferung”. In: Gärtner, U. (Hg.): Grazer Repositorium antiker Fabeln (GRaF), 2019. Permalink: [07.04.2024].
Book reviews
- “Holzberg, Niklas: Babrios. Fabeln. Griechisch-deutsch, Berlin/Boston 2019”, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaften 71/72 (2018–2019), 2020, 112-115.
Digital publications
- Latin Dedicatory Poems of the early modern Period (LADEPO), 2023. Permalink: [07.04.2024].
Conference papers (selection)
- “Nature and the Human Gaze? Ecocritical Perspectives on Ancient Didactic Poetry”, University of Toronto, Department of Classics. conference: ‘Literature Stream Seminars’, 24.09.2024.
- “What is Fable, Really? Reflections on Genre in Imperial Fable Collections”, University of Mainz. conference: ‘Form, Function, and Fables: Genre in Early Christian, Jewish, and Graeco-Roman Traditions’, 6.-7.06.2024.
- “The Poetics of Grammar. (Paratextual) Poetry in Early Modern Textbooks”, University of Oxford, Corpus Christi college. conference: ‘Corpus Christi Classics Seminar’, 29.05.2024.
- “Natur erfahren. Anschauliches Erzählen bei Hesiod”, Heidelberg University. conference: ‘Gräzistisches Forschungskolloquium’, 24.04.2024.
- „Contrasting Bodies – Contrasting Emotions: Vividness in Avianus 29 and 41”. University of Graz. conference: ‚Ancient Fables in a Late Antique Guise – New Approaches to Avianus‘, 24.-25.11.2023.
- „smoke-hued, hissing, heavy-scented: The Theriaca of Nicander – a multi-sensory experience“. TU Dresden. conference: ‚Experiencing smell and taste in the Greco-Roman world‘, 08.-10.09.2023.
- “Babrio 10, 30 e 49”. Ghent University. conference: ‚Titubanti Testi 7‘, 20.06.2023.
- „Does Size Matter? Babrius’ Tetrasticha“. University of Graz. conference: ‚With new Muse – Babrius: Basics, Approaches, Perspectives‘, 12.05.2023 (together with Vittorio Bottini, University of Toronto/Tübingen).
- “Poems in the Letters of Ausonius: Techniques, Contexts, and Functions.” University of Cyprus. conference: ‚Greek and Latin carmina minora in Context‘, 17.-19.03.2023.
- „Poems in Context: The Prosimetric Letters of Ausonius as Macrotext“. Ghent University, Department of Literary Studies (section Latin), 17.02.2023.
- „Partizipative Formate als Vermittlungsansatz (geistes-)wissenschaftlicher Forschung: Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen, Potenziale“. University of Graz. conference: ‚Brennpunkt WissKomm 2022‘, 24.09.2022.
- „The Lion, the Fox, and the Camel: The Fables of Babrius between Epic and Epigram“. University of Graz. conference: ‚Et in cothurnis prodit Aesopus nouis. On the interaction between ancient fable and literary genres‘, 02.-04.06.2022.
- „‘I will sit on your restless heart; I will ride on my enemy’s shoulders’: Expressing Anger through Bodily Metaphors in Horace’s Epodes“. University of Exeter. conference: ‚Experience Through Metaphor. Cultural Histories of Emotion and the Body‘, 18.03.2022.
- “The Graz Repository of ancient Fables (GRaF): A participative approach to creating Open Educational Resources”. conference: ‚Co-Creating Citizen Science‘. arQus – European University Alliance. online, 06.05.2021.
- „Intertextual and Metapoetic Aspects of Ausonius’ Cento nuptialis (C. n. 12–32; 57–66)“. Ruhr-Universität Bochum. conference: ‚Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Technique of Cento Texts‘, 13.-14.11.2020 (together with Sally Baumann, University of Graz).
- „Nets, Rods, Flutes – The Metapoetics of Fishing in the Mythiambi“. University of Graz. conference: ‚Ancient Fables – Sour Grapes? New Approaches‘, 02.10.2020.
- „Das Grazer Repositorium antiker Fabeln (GRaF): Eine digitale Lehr- und Lernressource zu Phaedrus, Aesop und co“. Universität Salzburg. conference: ‚6. Tagung zur Didaktik der alten Sprachen in Österreich‘, 28.-29.02.2020.
- „Fabeln erschließen – Strukturen beschreiben: Überlegungen zur Kommentierung von Babrios’ Mythiamboi“. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. conference: „Forschungsseminar Latinistik“, 07.01.2020.
- „Zweimal Babrios zum Mitnehmen – Verständnis und Rezeption eines ‚verschollenen‘ Autors“. University of Graz. conference: ‚ut pictura poeta. Autorbilder als literarische, historisch-biographische und mediale Denkfiguren und ihr Einfluss auf die Lektüre antiker Literatur‘, 09.-11.05.2019.
- „ὑπ' ἐμοῦ δὲ πρώτου τῆς θύρης ἀνοιχθείσης — Reconstructing identity in Babrius’s Mythiamboi“. University of Edinburgh. conference: ‚The Literary Self: from Antiquity to the Digital Age‘, 04.-05.06.2018.
since 2024: Heidelberg University
2023-2024: University of Oxford, Oriel College
2019-2023: University of Graz
Reading courses
- Translation and Interpretation of Greek Texts II (fall 24/25)
- Translation and Interpretation of Greek Texts I (spring 24; fall 24/25)
- Greek Literature – Translation and Comment (Euripides, Bacchae; Aristophanes, Frogs; Herodotus) (fall 23/24)
- Greek Core (Pindar; Simonides; Sophocles, Antigone; Aristophanes, Clouds) (fall 23/24)
- The Aesop-Romance (fall 22/23)
- Menander, Dyskolos (fall 24/25)
- The Philippics of Demosthenes (fall 22/23)
- Catullus’ carmina (spring 22)
- Roman Biography – Cornelius Nepos and Suetonius (fall 21/22)
- Seneca, De clementia (fall 19/20)
Language courses
- Greek Language I (fall 22/23)
- Greek Language II (spring 23)
- Latin Language I (spring 22)
Research seminars
- Modern Literary Theory and Ancient Texts (spring 23)
Ancient language pedagogy
- Tutorial accompanying Practical Teaching Experience 4: Greek (fall 21/22)
- Tutorial accompanying Practical Teaching Experience 2: Greek (fall 20/21)
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