Prof. Dr. Manfred Rösch - Vita
Born January 5, 1952 in Mühlacker
Academic Qualifications
- 2005 Extraordinary professor, department of Philosophy, Universität Heidelberg
- 2003 Habilitation, Universität Heidelberg, Ur- und Frühgeschichte/Archäobotanik
- 1993 Habilitation, Innsbruck University (Austria): Botanische Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Kulturlandschaft am Bodensee (Botanical investigation of the history of the cultural landscape at Lake Constance); venia legendi for Botanik/Archaeobotanik
- 1982 Doctor phil. nat., Universität Bern (Switzerland): Geschichte der Nussbaumer Seen/Kanton Thurgau und ihrer Umgebung seit dem Ausgang der letzten Eiszeit aufgrund quartärbotanischer, stratigraphischer und sedimentologischer Untersuchungen (History of the Lakes of Nussbaumen/Kanton Thurgau and their surroundings since the last Ice Age using quaternary-botanical, stratigraphical and sedimentological methods)
- 1979 Diplom in Biologie, Universität Hohenheim; Topic of the Diploma thesis: Postglaziale Geschichte und ökologische Bedingungen des Eibenwaldes von Paterzell/Oberbayern (Holocene history and ecology of the Yew Forest of Paterzell, upper Bavaria).
Professional Experience
- Since 1987 Consultant for Archaeobotany and Director, Laboratory for Archaeobotany, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg
- 1983-1987 Research Associate, Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Freiburg University
- DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm: Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland“
- Foundation of the Laboratory for Archaeobotany in Hemmenhofen (Lake Constance)
- 1982-1983 Visiting Scientist, Botanisches Institut, Universität Hohenheim
- Organizer of meetings of the Arbeitsgruppe Archäobotanik and the Arbeitskreis Vegetationsgeschichte of the Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft and co-organizer of the 15th conference of the International Work Group of Palaeoethnobotany
Research Grants
- An experimental approach to Neolithic shifting cultivation.
Running since 1994;
applicants: Wolfram Schier, Arno Bodenrieder, Manfred Rösch, Erhard Schulzi
initiated by M. Rösch
funding by StollVITA foundation (1994-1997)
Würth foundation (1998.-1999), DFG (since 2003). - House and Environment; land use and landscape history in Southwest Germany.
a bundle of three applications
applicants: S. Lorenz/P.Rückert, B. Scholkmann (Tübingen University), Manfred Rösch (Landesdenkmalamt) initiated by M. Rösch;
funding by the DFG from 2001-2004. - Pollen analytical and archaeobotanical investigations of Neolithic and Bronze Age land use at Lake Constance.
applicants: D.Planck/M. Rösch, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege
funding by the DFG since 2005. - Iron Age Vegetation History in Central Europe.
Part of the DFG-research focus program 1171, “Early centralisation and urbanisation processes in Central Europe”
applicants: M. Rösch/J. Biel, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege
funding by the DFG from 2004 to 2010. - Vegetation-historical research in prehistoric land use in the northern Black Forest.
applicant: M. Rösch
funding by the DFG since 2006.
Ongoing applications:
- Diachronous synopsis of Neolithic settlement pattern of Western Lake Constance and Hegau region (south-west Germany)
Application to the DFG
applicants: M.Rösch/J. Bofinger, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege. - Human impact and acidification of forest soils during the last Millennia in the Northern Black Forest.
Application to the DFG in preparation
applicants: K. Feger, TU Dresden/M. Rösch, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege. - Land use, economics and environmental pollution during the last two Millenia as documented in annually laminated lake sediments and written sources at Bad Waldsee, South-West Germany
Application to the DFG in preparation
applicants: /M. Rösch, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, K. Feger, TU Dresden, S. Lorenz/P. Rückert, Univ. Tübingen.
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