
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 755504).


Parliaments and Constitutions in Eurasia
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Entangled Parliamentarisms:
Constitutional Practices in Russia, Ukraine, China and Mongolia, 1905–2005

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The project “ENTPAR: Entangled Parliamentarisms: Constitutional Practices in Russia, Ukraine, China and Mongolia, 1905–2005,” sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) in 2018–2023, addressed the entangled histories of deliberative decision making, political representation and constitutionalism on the territories of the former Russian and Qing Empires and focuses on the cases of Russia, Ukraine, China and Mongolia between 1905 and 2005. Employing the perspectives of the New Imperial History and Transcultural Studies, the project aimed to overcome narrow state-centered approaches and takes advantage of multidisciplinary methodology crossing history and political science. The project traced parliamentary developments, the interactions among imperial and post-imperial intellectuals and their engagement in global discussions, shared imperial legacies, mutual borrowings and references, imperial and post-imperial political practices and translatability of concepts. It sought to refute the stereotypes about inclinations towards democracy in particular national contexts by tracing relevant transnational practices and interactions and providing a nuanced political and intellectual history of parliamentarism. 




Dr. Ivan Sablin

  • Principal Investigator

Dr. Jargal Badagarov

  • Postdoctoral Fellow

Irina Sodnomova, MPhil

  • PhD Candidate

Martin Dorn, MA

  • PhD Candidate 

Kyonghee Lee, MA

  • PhD Candidate 


Project Assistants

Jule Isbrandt

Martina Langhals

Paula Simon


Visiting Fellows


Prof. Dr. Christopher Atwood

  • University of Pennsylvania

Maria Ukhvatova, MA

  • Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Aimar Ventsel

  • University of Tartu

Dr. Olha Holovina

  • Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs

Amgalan Zhamsoev




Lubomir Rachev, MA


Project Publications


Journal Special Issues

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Book Chapters


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