
Daimler und Benz Foundation


Ladenburg Research Network

"The Aggressor: Self-Perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations"


"Playing the Aggressor: Historical Conquest, Colonization, and Resistance in Video Games”
Date: 15-16 November 2024
Location: Heidelberg
Format: hybrid
Past Events
The latest conference
“Aggressors: The Construction of National Enemy Images in Europe”
Date: 26–28 February 2024.
Place: Ladenburg

Project "The Aggressor: Self-Perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations"

Deutsch / English

Website-Relaunch! The new website can be accessed via the following link:



Napoleon op een troon van mensenschedels, 1813 - 1813 - Rijksmuseum, Netherlands - Public Domain.


Project description

The international research project "The Aggressor: Self-Perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations" examines images of the aggressor in European historical narratives and memory cultures. Representations of individual historical figures will be analysed in bi-national and multinational comparative studies including both victim and perpetrator perspectives. Multidisciplinary research on forms of collective identification with or against the aggressor and instrumentalizations of memory will cover three areas: academic historiography, popular media, and current political discourses. Sub-projects aim to stimulate reflection on the conflict potential of one's own national historical narrative and to promote agonistic forms of memory culture. Special attention is paid to social and digital media tools, such as computer games providing new ways of engagement with the past.




Teilnehmer der Konferenz "The Aggressors" 26.-28. Februar

Participants of the conference "The Aggressor", Ladenburg, 27 February 2024     

© Daimler und Benz Stiftung_Oestergaard



Prof Dr Thomas Maissen (Heidelberg University)


Members of the project management team


Research project management and coordination 

PD Dr Ivan Sablin (Heidelberg University)


Senior scholars


Junior scholars

Postdoctoral researchers
  • Dr Sven Milekić (CEU Democracy Institute, Budapest)

  • Dr Martin Valkov (Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS)

PhD students
  • Lisa Fahrni, M.A. (Heidelberg University)

  • Elisabeth Charlotte Caroline Osing, M.A. (Heidelberg University)

  • Justus Raimann, M.A. (Ruhr University Bochum)

  • Kai Steinhage, M.Ed. (Ruhr University Bochum)

  • Daniel Weinmann, M.Ed. (Heidelberg University)


Members of the Cooperation Network


Partner institutions

  • Democracy Institute, Central European University, Budapest (Prof Renata Uitz) 

  • House of European History, Brussels (Dr Constanze Itzel) 

  • International Council of Museums (ICOM) (Prof Dr Emma Nardi)

  • Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam (Prof Dr Frank Bösch), in cooperation with Leibniz Research Alliance "Value of the Past“ 

  • Max Weber Foundation, Bonn (Dr Harald Rosenbach)

  • Research Training Group “Ambivalent Enmity: Dynamics of Antagonism in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), Heidelberg University (Prof Dr Tanja Penter)


Seitenbearbeiter: Vilma Vaskelaitė
Letzte Änderung: 12.06.2024
zum Seitenanfang/up