Alicia Wolff (born Lohmann)
Doctoral Research Assistant
Contact +49 (0)6221-54-2455 Historisches Seminar 3rd floor, room 222 Grabengasse 3-5 69117 Heidelberg |
Office Hours
by appointment only
2020 |
M.A. |
Freie Universität Berlin |
2017 |
B.A. |
Freie Universität Berlin |
2020- |
Research Associate Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg |
2018-2020 |
Student Research Assistant Chair of High and Late Medieval History, Professor Thomas Ertl Freie Universität Berlin |
2018-2019 |
Student Research Assistant, Leibniz-Edition Potsdam Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities |
Alicia Wolff (Lohmann) is a research associate at the University of Heidelberg. Her PhD thesis deals with the manifold lists in accounts of pilgrimages to Jerusalem, Rome, and Santiago de Compostela. These include, for example, lists of participants, language samples, ship contracts and itineraries. The true complexity and extensive processes involved in the creation, administration, and use of lists remain largely unknown, although they are more than worthy of consideration. Methodologically, the thesis invites historians to engage with the emerging field of “Listology”. Her further research interests are the history of travel and discovery and the auxiliary sciences.
Before joining the chair of Medieval History at Heidelberg (Professor Romedio Schmitz-Esser) in 2020, she attended FU Berlin between 2015 and 2020, where she obtained a master's degree in History and Political Science. From 2018 to 2020 she worked as a student research assistant at the Leibniz-Edition project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and at the chair of High and Late Medieval History (Professor Thomas Ertl) at FU.
Selected publications
- Alicia Wolff, Wer nicht wagt, der nicht gewinnt. Die Jerusalemreise Friedrichs III. im Jahr 1436, in: Absenz und Präsenthaltung, edited by Romedio-Schmitz-Esser, Stuttgart 2023 (forthcoming)
- Alicia Lohmann, Lists of Knightly Accolades in the Liber Memorialis Friderici III. Imperatoris Listology, in: Listology. Exploring Lists in all their Possibilities, 21.02.2022
- Thomas Ertl/Alicia Lohmann, Georgian Imaginations. Marco Polo Variations on the Kingdom in the Caucasus, in: From Florence to Goa and Beyond. Essays in Early Modern Global History in honor of Jorge Flores, edited by Tilmann Kulke / Irene María Vicente Martín, Florenz 2022, pp. 96 - 116