Prof. Stefanie Gänger's Consultation Hour

Consultation hours in person during the semester break 

Register here, or by contact via electronic mail


Consultation hours in person during the summer term 2025

Wednesdays, 12-13h

Register here, or by contact via email

Further information about the Chair
Current Events

Chair of Modern History | Timo Holste, M.A.

Research Associate



Department of History
Grabengasse 3-5

Room 224 (2nd floor)

D-69117 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 6221-54 3705


Office hours: 11 am  - 12 noon on Tuesdays



Since 11/2020 Member of „Heidelberg Forum Digital Humanities (HFDH)“ (
Since 03/2019 Project Coordinator, project „HSE: Go digital! Now!“
Since 03/2017 Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, History Department, Heidelberg University
Since 12/2016 Associate member of the Heidelberg Centre of Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University
02/2016–07/2016 Fellowship at the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) in Mainz
07/2015–09/2015 Fellowship at the German Historical Institute London
05/2013–11/2016 Research Associate at the Cluster "Asia and Europe in a Global Context"
Since 05/2013 Project member of „LONSEA: Searching the Globe through the lenses of the League of Nations“ (
Since 05/2013 Since 05/2013: Graduate studies, history, Heidelberg University, working title:
„Umkämpfter Internationalismus. Die transnationalen Verflechtungen zwischen dem Boy Scouts International Bureau, der Reichs-
jugendführung und den ‚parafaschistischen‘ Staatsjugendorganisationen in Europa und Ostasien 1919–1946“ (working title)
2013 Master of Arts (thesis on: League of Nations Tourism)



Selected publications:

  • "Tourists at the League of Nations. Conceptions of Internationalism around the Palais des Nations, 1925–1946, "New Global Studies 10 (2016) 3,
    pp. 307-344.
  • together with Benjamin Auberer and Carolin Liebisch: "Editors' Note: Situating Internationalism 1919-1940s, "New Global Studies 10 (2016) 3,
    pp. 201-216.
  • together with Sergej Gil and Michelle König: "Die Vermittlung der Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus im digitalen Zeitalter, in: Fokus Lehrerbildung. Blog der Heidelberg School of Education, 4. August 2020,



Courses taught:

Summer term 2021 Übung Weimar und die Welt in digitalen Quellen
Winter term 2020/2021 Übung: Das digitale Völkerbundarchiv: Eine Ressource für Globalhistoriker*innen
  Exkursion: Virtuelle Exkursion: Digitale Erinnerung an die Shoah
Summer term 2020 Übung: Die Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus digital
Winter term 2019/2020 Übung: Die Geschichte der Hitler-Jugend aus transnationaler Perspektive
Summer term 2019 Übung: Digital Humanities global: Das Mandatssystem des Völkerbundes
Winter term 2018/2019 Übung: Quellen zur Kulturgeschichte des Nationalsozialismus
Summer term 2018 Übung: „The lights that failed“? Der Völkerbund aus globalhistorischer Perspektive
Winter term 2017/2018 Übung: Europakonzepte im Nationalsozialismus
Summer term 2017 Übung: Quellen zur „Neuen Diplomatiegeschichte“
Winter term 2015/2016 Übung: 'Repräsentanten des Großdeutschen Reiches'? Zur Auslandsarbeit der Hitler-Jugend
Winter term 2014/2015 Übung: 'Makers of Our Modern World' Internationale Organisationen in der Zwischenkriegszeit aus globalhistorischer Perspektive.
(together with Benjamin Auberer)


Marco Muser: Email
Latest Revision: 2021-08-16
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