Sprechstunde von Prof. Stefanie Gänger

Sprechstunde in Präsenz
während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit

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Sprechstunde in Präsenz
während des Sommersemesters 2025

Mittwochs, 12-13 Uhr

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Weitere Informationen zur Professur

Professur für Neuere Geschichte | Veröffentlichungen


  • Cinchona Harvest, Deforestation and Extinction in the Quito & Santa Fé Audiencias, 1752–1811, Environmental History 24, 4 (2019), 667-672.*
  • “Incan Antiquities” in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, in: Sonia Alconini / R. Alan Covey (Hgg.), The Oxford Handbook of the Incas (Oxford University Press 2018), 787–806. 
  • Circulation. Reflections on Circularity, Entity and Liquidity in the Language of Global History, Journal of Global History 12, 3 (2017), 303–318.*
  • In their Own Hands: Domestic Medicine and ‘the Cure of all Kinds of Tertian and Quartan Fevers’ in Late-Colonial Lima, Colonial Latin American Review 25, 4 (2016), 492–511.*
  • Of Butterflies, Chinese Shoes and Antiquities: A History of Peru’s National Museum, 1826–1881, Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas 51 (2014), 283–302.*
  • Relics of the Past. The Collecting and Study of pre-Columbian Antiquities in Peru and Chile, 1837–1911 (Oxford University Press 2014, Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology).
  • The Many Natures of Antiquities: Ana María Centeno and her Cabinet of Curiosities, Peru, ca. 1832–1874, in: Stefanie Gänger/ Philip Kohl / Irina Podgorny (Hgg.), Nature and Antiquities. The Making of Archaeology in the Americas (Arizona University Press 2014), 110–124.
  • Disjunctive Circles. Global Intellectual Culture in Cuzco and the Journeys of Incan Antiquities, c. 1877–1921, Modern Intellectual History 10, 2 (2013), 399–414.*



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