Lara Track, M.A.
Curt-Engelhorn-Chair in American History
Former Research Associate
Contact Details:
University of Heidelberg
Department of History
Grabengasse 3-5
D-69117 Heidelberg
Room: 044A
Phone: +49 (0) 62 21 / 54 - 3361
Dissertation Project:
Between Peace and Women's Rights. Women Strike for Peace and the Feminist Movement in the United States, 1960-1991 (Working Title)
For an abstract of the project, please click here.
Lara Track received her B.A. in History and Sociology from Heidelberg University. During her undergraduate studies she spent an academic exchange year at Newcastle University, UK. She pursued her M.A. degree in Contemporary History of the Modern Age at the University of Freiburg. Her M.A. thesis traces body norms and fatness in 1960s West Germany. Lara Track joined the Chair for American History in October 2016 as a research associate.
For a full academic CV, please click here.
Research Interests:
- Women's and Gender History
- History of Bodies and Fatness
- Intersectionality
- Social Movements
- Transnational History
Borderless for peace: How transnational connections shaped Women Strike for Peace, in: Engendering Transnational Transgressions: From the Intimate to the Global, ed. Eileen Boris/Sandra Trudgen Dawson/Barbara Molony, Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2021.
Frieden vernetzt. Transnationaler Frauenfriedensaktivismus und der Gleichberechtigungsprozess in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, in: Ariadne. Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte 75 (2019), p. 127-141.
Review: Frazier, Jessica M.: Women's Antiwar Diplomacy during the Vietnam War Era. Chapel Hill 2017 , in: H-Soz-Kult, 27.09.2018, <>.
“The United States and World War I: Perspectives and Legacies, Conference Proceedings.” H-Soz-Kult, April 20, 2017 (with Manuel Franz), <>.
“Gewalt – Geschichte – Gesellschaft. Interdisziplinäre studentische Tagung, 30.05.2014 – 01.06.2014 Freiburg, Conference Proceedings.“ H-Soz-Kult, September 6, 2014 (with Helga Eichenberg), <>.
Presentations (Selection):
02/2020: Jahrestreffen der Historiker_innen in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bad Bevensen. Vortragstitel: Nevertheless, They Persisted. Women Strike for Peace between the Movements for Peace and Women’s Rights.
07/2019: Franco-German Conference: History Intersectional/L'Histoire intersectionelle, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. Title of Presentation: "This tidy little bombshell." Race, Class and the American Women't Peace Movement.
08/2018: International Federation for Research in Women’s History (IFRWH) 2018 Conference, Vancouver (Kanada). Presentation Title: From Peaceniks to Feminists? How Transnational Connections Shaped American Peace Activists' Views on Women's Rights.
10/2017: Colloquium of the German Historical Institute Washington DC (USA). Presentation of the dissertation project as part of the awarded research fellowship.
07/2017: Annual Conference of the Society for the History of Women in the Americas (SHAW), The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities (TORCH), University of Oxford (UK). Presentation Title: Meeting Our Sisters. How Transnational Collaboration Influenced Women Strike for Peace's Pacifist Feminism.
06/2017: Doctoral Seminar: Peace and Conflict. Historical, Social and Cultural Perspectives on Theory and Empiricism, University of Mannheim. Presentation Title: Between Peace and Women’s Rights. Women Strike for Peace und the Feminist Movement in the United States, 1961-1990.
05/2017: International Ph.D. Seminar, Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS), Middelburg (Netherlands). Presentation Title: Conflict or Cooperation? Women Strike for Peace‘s Connections to Second Wave Feminism, 1961-1990.
Summer 2021, Undergraduate Seminar: The Vietnam War
Summer 2020, Undergraduate Seminar: Peace during the Cold War: The US-American Peace Movement 1945 – 1990
Summer 2019, Undergraduate Seminar: Between Prudery and Pornography. Sexuality in 20th Century America
Summer 2018, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Course: Fat, Fetish, Hair, and Skin: Body Norms in Germany and the United States from the Mid-19th Century until Today
Summer 2017, Undergraduate Seminar: Second Wave Feminism. The Feminist Movement in the United States, c. 1960 – 1980