Browse Dachs
The digital archive is password-protected and serves exclusively the purpose of scientific research. In order to access the archive please read the access restrictions and contact the DACHS staff.
The index provides access to the resources of DACHS through a basic classification system, making use of certain keywords in the files' URL. These keywords are reflecting either nature (i.e. discussion boards, documents, films etc.) or topic (i.e. culture, economy, politics etc.) of a file. They are listed as life links, delivering the corresponding metadata records from the OPAC, from where direct access to the material is possible.
Detailed Contents
This category provides keywords like topics of importance, countries and regions, organizations and persons, from which direct access to the metadata records from the OPAC is possible.
Countries & Regions
A | Africa | Australia |
B | Brazil |
C | Cambodia |
F | France |
G | Germany |
H | Hong Kong | Hungary |
I | India | Iraq | Israel | Italy |
J | Japan |
K | Korea |
M | Macao | Mexico | Mongolia | Myanmar (Birma) |
P | Pakistan | Peru | Philippines |
R | Russia |
S | Singapore | Sudan |
T | Taiwan | Thailand | Tibet |
U | United States of America |
V | Vietnam |
X | Xinjiang |
Important people
A | Ai Weiwei |
B | Bo Xilai |
C | Chen Shuibian | Chen Yun |
D | Deng Xiaoping |
G | Gu Kailai |
H | Hu Jintao | Hu Yaobang |
J | Jiang Zemin |
L | Li Keqiang | Li Zhaoxing | Liao Yiwu | Lin Biao | Liu Shaoqi | Liu Xiaobo |
M | Mao Zedong | Mo Yan |
W | Wen Jiabao | Wu Yi |
X | Xi Jinping |
Z | Zeng Qinghong | Zhao Ziyang | Zhou Enlai | Zhu Rongji |
A | ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations |
C | Chinese Communist Party (Zhongguo Gongchandang) |
F | Falun Gong |
S | SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization |
W | WTO - World Trade Organization |
Citation Repository
This category contains internet sources used for or cited in dissertations, publications and works in progress, for instance internet sources cited in the book "A Continuous Revolution: Making Sense of Cultural Revolution Culture" (composed by Prof. Barbara Mittler).
Special Collections
This category refers to collected internet sources to certain topics which have been intensively surveyed and donated to our archive by some (former) members of the Institute, like the approximately 1000 internet links concerning the topic of "Taiwan's Democratic Consolidation, 2000 - 2001" which are donated by Dr. Christian Goebel.
Journals & Newsletters
This category contains online periodicals and newsletters with regularly published issues, like "Beijing Rundschau", "Caijing 财经", "Hanxue yanjiu 汉学研究" and "Hanxue tongxun 汉学通讯".