The Control of the Media in the People's Republic of China (Online Documents), by Nicolai Volland
Chapter One: A Functional Approach to the Chinese Media
Chapter Four: The Mechanics of Media Control
Chapter Five: Books for New China: Xinhua shudian and the Transformation of Chinese Book Publishing
Chapter Six: The Party, the Paper, and the People: Wenhuibao, Spring 1957
Chapter Eight: No Taboos for Reading: Dushu and the Thought Liberation Movement
Chapter Nine: Great Walls of Soap: Chinese Television in the Era of Marketization
Chapter Ten: Media Control and the Internet
This website contains links to all online materials and sources quoted in the author's PhD dissertation "The Control of the Media in the People's Republic of China," submitted in Dec. 2003 to the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, published with UMI (University Microfilm Inc.), a division of ProQuest, 2007.
As an inhouse investigation carried out by DACHS in January 2005 has shown, Chinese Internet-based sources are highly instable and tend to disappear after a few years or even months. Websites based outside the PRC haven proven to be only marginally more stable. To keep the the documents permanently accessible for documentary purposes, all online material used in the thesis has been archived in DACHS.
Links to articles in electronic format, .html documents and partial download of websites for analysis are arranged according to the dissertation chapters. For full quotations and the original download dates, please refer to the thesis chapters and the bibliography.
Chapter One: A Functional Approach to the Chinese Media
Note 31
Linda Jakobsen. "Lies in Ink, Truth in Blood: The Role and Impact of the Chinese Media during the Beijing Spring of '89", Discussion paper, Harvard University, 1990. (
Archive copy, downloaded 17 Sep. 2003)
Note 36
Jiao Guobiao 焦国标. "Taofa Zhongxuanbu 讨伐中宣部". (
Archive copy, downloaded 25 Oct. 2004)
Chapter Four: The Mechanics of Media Control
Note 1
Xinhua wang 新华网. "Chuban guanli tiaoli 出版管理条例". (
Archive copy, downloaded 7 Apr. 2007)
Note 38
"US-China Bilateral Market Access Agreement (March 14, 2000)." (
Archive copy, downloaded 15 Jul. 2003)
Note 46
"Zhongxuanbu ban chuanmei baodao 32 jinji, qingchao wangba 中宣部颁传媒报道32禁忌清剿网吧". (
Archive copy, downloaded 12 July 2003)
Note 61
Qiu Feng 秋风. "Shiji shalong ziyuan guan zhan, hen zhengchang 世纪沙龙自愿关站,很正常". (
Archive copy, downloaded 12 July 2003)
Note 79
Xinhua she Chongqing fenshe 新华社重庆分社. "Neibu cankao yinxiang ban 《内部参考》音像版". (
Archive copy, downloaded 10 Jul. 2003)
Note 144
Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition. "Supreme Court Rules CDA Unconstitutional". (
Archive copy, downloaded 1 Dec. 2005)
Chapter Five: Books for New China: Xinhua shudian and the Transformation of Chinese Book Publishing
Note 47
Wang Fangzi 王仿子. "1937-1949 nian de Xianggang chubanye (xia) 1937—1949年的香港出版业(下)". (
Archive copy, downloaded 22 July 2003)
Chapter Six: The Party, the Paper, and the People: Wenhuibao, Spring 1957
Note 120
Cai Bosheng 蔡柏生. "Bu xunchang de jisao: Jinian Dagongbao lao baren Xu Junyuan bai nian danchen 不寻常的祭扫——纪念大公报老报人许君远百年诞辰".(
Archive copy, downloaded 8 Aug. 2003)
Note 124
Peng Xiaolian 彭小莲. "Wode fuqin Peng Boshan 我的父亲彭柏山".(
Archive copy,downloaded 8 Aug. 2003)
Note 178
Zhang Yaojie 张耀杰, "Caizi ben fengliu: Luo Longji d qinggan rensheng 才子本风流——罗隆基的情感人生".(
Archive copy, downloaded 18 Apr. 2007)
Chapter Eight: No Taboos for Reading: Dushu and the Thought Liberation Movement
Note 23
Shen Changwen 沈昌文. "Chu yu wuneng 出于无能".(
Archive copy,downloaded 10 May 2003)
Note 41
Hu Jiwei 胡绩伟. "Bing xue qi qing, jin shi qi jian: zhuisi Wang Ruoshui tongzhi 冰雪其清,金石其坚——追思王若水同志".(
Archive copy, downloaded 28 Feb. 2003)
Note 54
Shen Changwen 沈昌文. "Shushang xianhua: Shen Changwen dushu luntan fangtan lu 书商闲话——沈昌文读书论坛访谈录". (
Archive copy, downloaded 18 Aug. 2003)
Chapter Nine: Great Walls of Soap: Chinese Television in the Era of Marketization
Note 48
Linda Jakobsen. "Lies in Ink, Truth in Blood: The Role and Impact of the Chinese Media during the Beijing Spring of '89", Discussion paper, Harvard University, 1990. (
Archive copy, downloaded 17 Sept. 2003)
Note 61
"Beijing hits Media for not Toeing Party Line". (
Archive copy, downloaded 22 June 2001)
Chapter Ten: Media Control and the Internet
Partial download of
For analysis in this chapter, a large portion of the popular Internet portal was downloaded and archived. The download, executed on 6 Nov. 2003 is a snapshot that allows the documentation of a large website containing content that is normally in a state of constant flux. While copying the entire server content of was neither feasible nor necessary, the partial download, containing 22,588 files, is large enough for an in-depth study of a major
Internet portal at a randomly selected moment. The download is referred to throughout this chapter.
Starting page for the download:
Note 1
"Remarks by President Bill Clinton on China - Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies". (
Archive copy, downloaded 18 Oct. 2007)
Note 2
Michael S. Chase, James C. Mulvenon. "You've got Dissent!: Chinese Dissident Use of the Internet and Beijing's Counter-Strategies". (
Archive copy, downloaded 10 Nov. 2003)
Note 3
William Foster, Seymour E. Goodman. "The Diffusion of the Internet in China". (
Archive copy, downloaded 26 July 2001)
Note 5
Zhongguo hulianwang xinxi zhongxin 中国互联网信息中心. "Yuming tongji xinxi 域名统计信息". (
Archive copy, downloaded 29 Sept. 2003)
Note 10
Zhongguo hulianwang xinxi zhongxin 中国互联网信息中心. "Zhonguo hulian wangluo fazhan zhuangkuang tongji baogao 中国互联网络发展状况统计报告". (
Archive copy, downloaded 30 Sept. 2003)
Note 11
Jonathan J.H. Zhu, Zhou He. "Information Accessibility, User Sophistication, and Source Credibility: the Impact of the Internet on Value Orientations in Mainland China". (
Archive copy, downloaded 10 Nov. 2003)
Note 18
"Zhonghua renmin gongheguo jisuanji xinxi xitong anquan baohu tiaoli 中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例". (
Archive copy, downloaded 30 Sep. 2003)
Note 19
"Zhonghua renmin gongheguo jisuanji xinxi wangluo guoji lianwang guanli zanxing guiding 中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定". (
Archive copy, downloaded 30 Sep. 2003)
Note 20
"Jisuanji xinxi wangluo guoji lianwang anquan baohu guanli banfa 计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办法". (
Archive copy, downloaded 30 Sep. 2003)
Note 24
"Hulianwang xinxi fuwu guanli banfa 互联网信息服务管理办法". (
Archive copy, downloaded 30 Sep. 2003)
"Zhonghua renmin gongheguo xinxi tiaoli 中华人民共和国信息条例". (
Archive copy, downloaded 30 Sep. 2003)
Note 25
"Quan guo renmin daibiao dahui changwu weiyuanhui guanyu weihu hulianwang anquan de jueding 全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于维护互联网安全的决定". (
Archive copy, downloaded 30 Sep. 2003)
Note 28
"Jingying xing wangzhan beian dengji xinxi 经营性网站备案登记信息". (
Archive copy, downloaded 2 Oct. 2003)
Note 31
Clara Liang. "Red Light, Green Light: Has China Achieved its Goals Through the 2000 Internet Regulations?". (
Archive copy, downloaded 10 Nov. 2003)
Note 33
Renmin wang 人民网. "Zhonggong zhongyang zhishu jigou 中共中央直属机构". (
Archive copy, downloaded 4 Nov. 2003)
Note 51
Reporters Without Borders. "'Living Dangerously on the Net:' Censorship and Surveillance of Internet Forums". (
Archive copy, downloaded 10 Nov. 2003)
Note 53
"Luntan guanli tiaoli 论坛管理条例". (
Archive copy, downloaded 9 Nov. 2003)
Tao Wenzhao. "Censorship and Protest: The Regulation of BBS in China People Daily". (
Archive copy, downloaded 19 March 2001)
Note 55
"Zhonggong qian lingdao ren Hu Yaobang shishi shisi zhounian 中共前领导人胡耀邦逝世十四周年". (
Archive copy, downloaded 16 Apr. 2003)
Note 56
"Shiji shalong - Dongfang taolun qu 世纪沙龙·东方讨论区". (
Archive copy, downloaded 16 Apr. 2003)
Note 57
Qiu Feng 秋风. "Shiji shalong ziyuan guan zhan, hen zhengchang 世纪沙龙自愿关站,很正常". (
Archive copy, downloaded 12 Jul. 2003)
Nan Shui 南水. "Linshi guan zhan, zema ji gonggongxing, zhishifenzi liangzhi 临时关站,责骂及公共性、知识分子良心". (
Archive copy, downloaded 12 July 2003)
Note 59
"Yindu dongbu diqu fasheng yanzhong saoluan - zhi shao 21 ren bei da huo shao si 印度东部地区发生严重骚乱 至少21人被大火烧死". (
Archive copy, downloaded 6 Nov. 2003)
Note 60
"Xinlang wang zhongyang hezuo huoban 新浪网重要合作伙伴". (
Archive copy, downloaded 6 Nov. 2003)
Note 61
"Hulian wangzhan congshi dengzai xinwen yewu guanli zanxing guiding 互联网站从事登载新闻业务管理暂行规定". (
Archive copy, downloaded 30 Sept. 2003)
Note 66
Greg Walton. "China's Golden Shield: Corporations and the Development of Surveillance Technology in the People's Republic of China". (
Archive copy, downloaded 23 Aug. 2002)
Note 68
"Guanyu women 关于我们". (
Archive copy, downloaded 8 Nov. 2003)
Note 70
Jonathan Zittrain, Benjamin Edelman. "Empirical Analysis of Internet Filtering in China". (
Archive copy, downloaded 8 Nov. 2003)
Note 73
"Chart - Proportion of Sites Blocked by Google Search Term". (
Archive copy, downloaded 8 Nov. 2003)
Note 80
Thomas Crampton. "China Closes Internet Cafés". (
Archive copy, downloaded 20 Dec. 2001)
Note 81
BBC News Online. "Chinese website creator goes on trial". (
Archive copy, downloaded 8 Nov. 2003)
BBC News Online. "China Internet Operator Jailed". (
Archive copy, downloaded 19 May 2003)
Note 83
Greg May. "Spamming for Freedom". (
Archive copy, downloaded 8 Nov. 2003)
Note 84
"Buxiugang wangzhan 不锈钢网站". (
Archive copy, downloaded 8 Nov. 2003)