Local Resources of Chinese Studies in Heidelberg
An integrated analysis of China's food security (1999) |
search: no copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en |
An environmental strategy for China by the World Bank (2001) |
search: no copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en |
Werbesprache in Deutschland und China Eine Analyse unter Berücksichtigung interkultureller Marketingstrategien |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: no lang: de |
World Development Reports by the World Bank (1978 - 2000/2001) |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en |
| This database was conceptualized both as an online companion to the printed edition of A Continuous Revolution: Making Sense of Cultural Revolution Culture and as an online database about Cultural Revolution Culture that can be used independently as a "virtual museum". | search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en |
| Collection of articles, documents and journals of 20th century China | search: no copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Encyclopedia of various aspects of Shanghai history, e.g. culture, architecture, people |
search: no copy & paste: no print: no lang: cn (s) |
Chinese Cultural Revolution Database Original documents, speeches, newspaper articles, etc. relating to the cultural revolution (early 1960s to late 1970s) |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Colonial Office Series 129: Index Index to the Colonial Office Series 129, consisting of correspondence between the Hong Kong Government and Britain’s Colonial Office (1842-1926) |
search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: en |
Documents of the CCP Assorted documents of the Chinese Communist Party from 1921 to 1949 |
search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (s) |
| Digital version of Arthur W. Hummel's 1943 monography | search: full text copy & paste: yes print: no lang: en |
| Collection of documents of and about famous scholars of 20th century China, e.g. Chen Duxiu, Cai Yuanpei | search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
| Documents of the imperial archives of the Ming and Qing dynasties (~1368-1912) | search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (t) |
| Collection of imperial edicts of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) | search: no copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (t) |
South China Morning Post 1997 - Countdown to History Collection of articles of the South China Morning Post about the end of colonial rule in Hong Kong in 1997; includes timelines, laws, etc. |
search: no copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en |
National intelligence estimates on China during the era of Mao (1948 - 1976) |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en |
Collection of literary and historical materials concentrating on the Republican Period (1912-1949)
search: no copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Dictionary of the 3,000 most common Chinese characters with phrases, exercises, etc. |
search: no copy & paste: no print: no lang: en, cn (t) |
Chinese pronunciation self-learning course for beginners. |
search: no copy & paste: no print: no lang: en, cn (t) |
Interactive multimedia course for beginners with video, audio, grammar, exercises, etc |
search: no copy&paste: no print: no lang: de, cn(t+s) |
Foguang Buddhist Dictionary Digital edition of the Foguang Buddhist dictionary. |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (t) |
| Digital edition of the Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary | search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (t) |
Digital edition of the "Hanyu Da Cidian" with phrases, citations, pronunciation and more |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (t) |
Chinese-French dictionary |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: no lang: fr, cn (s+t) |
New HSK Preparation Material Learning and preparation material for the new HSK (includes audio material for all levels) |
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Tool for searching and parsing Chinese words and characters |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en, cn (t) |
A historical and comparative encyclopaedia of conceptual schemes of pre-Buddhist Chinese |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en, cn (t) |
Comprehensive Chinese-English-Chinese dictionary with text editor, stroke order, phrases, etc |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en, cn (s+t) |
Werbesprache in Deutschland und China Eine Analyse unter Berücksichtigung interkultureller Marketingstrategien |
search: full text copy & paste: no print: yes lang: de |
100 Masterpieces of World Literature 100 masterpieces of world literature from France, England and Germany in Chinese translation |
search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Asiatische Philosophie: Indien und China Grundlagentexte der indischen und chinesischen Philosophie in deutscher Übersetzung |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: de |
Artistic interpretation of poems of the chinese writer Yang Lian by the japanese media-artist Chiho Hoshino |
search: no copy & paste: no print: no lang: en, cn (t) |
Collection of every issue of Dushu, an influential literary magazine, from 1979-1998
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
| Collection of documents of and about famous scholars of 20th century China, e.g. Chen Duxiu, Cai Yuanpei | search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Index to articles on China Complete index to Japanese articles on China starting from 1964 (No. 1) to 2011 (No. 51) |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: jp |
| Documents of the imperial archives of the Ming and Qing dynasties (~1368-1912) | search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (t) |
Qing Dynasty collection of books with over 3,460 titles completed in 1782. Fully searchable digital edition. |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (t) |
The Harvard Korean Studies Bibliography Korean Studies bibliography with more than 80,000 EndNote references (1999) |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en |
Eight collected works of Wang Shuo |
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Collection of literary and historical materials concentrating on the Republican Period (1912-1949)
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Biographical literature magazine (1962-1998) |
search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (t) |
China Cultural Relics Newspaper China Cultural Relics Newspaper (1985-1997) |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift mit den Schwerpunkten Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (2003-2004) |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: de |
Collection of 1,625 issues of this popular fortnightly newsletter edited by Jesuit priests (1953-1998) |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en |
Colonial Office Series 129: Index Index to the Colonial Office Series 129, consisting of correspondence between the Hong Kong Government and Britain’s Colonial Office (1842-1926) |
search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: en |
Collection of every issue of Dushu, an influential literary magazine, from 1979-1998
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Complete Scan of the influential weekly art periodical Fine Arts in China (1985-1989) |
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Reprinted periodical literature consisting of a wide selection of unshortened full-text articles from PRC journals (1949-2001) |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Huangtang Shijie, Mingxing Ribao, Xiao Bao Scans of the three periodicals Huangtang Shijie (1926-1927), Mingxing Ribao (1933) and Xiao Bao (1914-1916) of republican era Shanghai |
search: no copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (s) |
| Nanfang Zhoumo 南方周末 Digital version of Nanfang Zhoumo covering January 1984 to December 1998 |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Fulltext articles of the most important periodicals of Republican-era China, e.g. Xin Qingnian, Guocui Xuebao |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Index to the early issues of the daily newspaper Shenbao, which became China's first modern newspaper after it's foundation in 1872 |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en, cn (t) |
Digital version of Xinmin Wanbao covering May 1946 to August 1966 and January 1982 to December 2008 |
search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (s) |
| This is an extended author-title index to the Zhongguo wenyi with annotations by Ms Iris Vrabec. The index comprises volumes 1 - 24. | Search: no copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (t), de |
Zhongyang Ribao (1928 - 1949) |
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Biographical literature magazine (1962-1998) |
search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (t) |
CCP inner-party laws and regulations Collection of inner-party laws and regulations of the CCP from 1978 to 2000. |
search: no copy & paste: no print: no lang: cn (s) |
China's laws and regulations Complete collection of China's laws & regulations as well as court descisions from 1950 - 1999 |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Chinese Cultural Revolution Database Original documents, speeches, newspaper articles, etc. relating to the cultural revolution (early 1960s to late 1970s) |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Collection of China's laws & regulations Collection of China's laws & regulations in seven categories (e.g. corporate law, criminal law) from 1951 to 1999 |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (s) |
Documents of the CCP Assorted documents of the Chinese Communist Party from 1921 to 1949 |
search: yes copy & paste: no print: yes lang: cn (s) |
20 years of Zhonghua Institute Collection of texts and other material commemorating the founding of the Zhonghua Insitute of Buddhist Studies in 1981 |
search: no copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: en, cn (t) |
Asiatische Philosophie: Indien und China Grundlagentexte der indischen und chinesischen Philosophie in deutscher Übersetzung |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: de |
Ongoing digitalization of the Buddhist Canon by the CBETA, based on Taisho Tripitaka and Shinsan Zokuzokyo (April 2011 Edition) |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (t) |
A scan of the Daozang suoyin (道藏索引), the index to the titles and authors in the Daoist Canon, compiled by Kristofer M. Schipper |
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Subject index to the Daoist Canon, providing sourced access to a wide range of subjects, such as names, places, temples or titles |
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The complete writings of Sheng Yan (聖嚴), the founder of the Taiwan-based Buddhist organization Dharma Drum |
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Foguang Buddhist Dictionary Digital edition of the Foguang Buddhist dictionary. |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (t) |
Publications of Zhonghua Institute The academic publications of the Zhonghua Insitute of Buddhist Studies in 1999, 2002 and 2003 in full text |
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The last and most comprehensive official Buddhist canon, completed in 1738 during the reign of Emperor Qianlong |
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Shi Dongchu Archives Life and works of Shi Dongchu one of the founders of the Zhonghua Institute of Buddhist Studies (1907 - 1977) |
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The Complete Works of Master Taixu The complete writings of Buddhist reformer Lü Peilin (Master Taixu; 1890 - 1947) |
search: full text copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (t) |
Korean collection of the Buddhist canon and the oldest edition of the Tripitaka in Chinese characters (completed ~ 1251) |
search: yes copy & paste: yes print: yes lang: cn (t) |
For a complete list of yearbooks please click here.