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Help manual for the new website

Link list
Main navigation
Main Content

This page shall provide a general support for the most important elements of the new website of the Institute of Chinese Studies. The help manual is based on a comparison of the former and new elements.

1. Link list at the top of the screen

Guide Old Header Links

The link list that has previously been positioned on top of the page is now located in the right column titled FAST ACCESS:

Guide New Fast Access En

The links to SWBHEIDI, KVK, IGCS, DACHS, EVOCS and CrossAsia may be found there. The old OPAC and SSELP may be reached via the website of the library. You may also find an overview of the new acquisitions of the institute on the library's page.

In addition you may find direct links to the Centre of East Asian Studies, the Institute of Japanese Studies, the Institute of East Asian Art History, Exchange, Instmail, Moodle, LSF, the Fachschaft, SHAN e.V., the ZO-IT, the Mailing lists of the centre and Sharepoint.

In the box titled FAST SEARCH in the right column you may search the institute's current holdings using HEIDI or SWB, search the institute's website content internally and conduct a LSF people and courses inquiry:

Guide New Search App En

2. Main navigation

Some entries of the main navigation, to be found on the left hand side like in the past, were combined:

Guide Old Navigation En Guide New Navigation En

The category Institute was not changed. Program and Service for Students were combined to Studies. Research has been introduced as a category on the English site. The categories Library and Digital Ressources remain as before.

The ZO-IT may be reached via the FAST ACCESS. Information on E-Learning may be found in the category Studies -> E-Learning.

3. Main content

The main content of the home page wil not be used as a link collection like on the previous website. You may find the latest information, articles and important announcements there instead.

Guide Old Middle

The numerous links may either be found within the five main categories (Institute, Studies, Research, Library, Digital Resources) or below FAST SEARCH or FAST ACCESS.

4. Contact

In case you have any questions or feedback please feel free to contact the webteam of the Institute of Chinese Studies. The general contact page of the institute may be reached via the link Contact on top of every single page:

Guide New Top Links En

Information on when a page has been updated the last time may be found at the foot of every single page together with the initials of the team member:

Guide New Update En

The initials directly link to the website of the webteam of the Institute of Chinese Studies.

Webmaster: CS
Latest Revision: 2018-08-31
zum Seitenanfang/up