Jun. Prof Dr. Florian Diekert
Assistant Professor for Resource and Environmental Economics
Photo: (c) Tobias Schwerdt 2016
Room: 217 (FZU)
Bergheimer Str. 20
D-69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49-(0)6221 -54-8013
Email: diekert@eco.uni-heidelberg.de
Office hour: Tuesday 11:30 -12:30
Research Interest
- Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
- Sustainable Development
- Game Theory
My work centers on humans and their inter-relations with the social and natural environment. With the help of the ERC Starting Grant “NATCOOP”, I aim to generate a better understanding of how nature shapes preferences and incentives of economic agents and how this in turn affects common-pool resource management.
Education and Employment
- since August 2016: Assistant Professor (Junior Professor) AWI, Heidelberg University
- Oct 2011 – July 2016: PostDoc/Assistant Professor Uni Oslo
- Oct 2011 PhD in Economics, University of Oslo
- Nov 2007 MPhil in Economics, University of Oslo
- Aug 2005 BA in International Relations, TU Dresden
- June 2001 Abitur, Kepler Gymnasium Tübingen
14. "Threatening Thresholds? The effect of disastrous regime shifts on the non-cooperative use of environmental goods and services” by Florian Diekert has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Public Economics.
13. "Optimal Management Under Institutional Constraints: Determining a Total Allowable Catch for Different Fleet Segments in the Northeast Arctic Cod Fishery” by Andries Richter, Anne Maria Eikeset, Daan van Soest, Florian Diekert, and Nils Christian Stenseth is published in Environmental and Resource Economics. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10640-016-0106-3
12. Diekert FK, Richter A, Rivrud IM and Mysterud A (2016): How constraints affect the hunter´s decision to shoot a deer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, online first: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2016/11/22/1607685113.full.pdf
11. Diekert FK and Nieminen, E (2016): International fisheries agreements with a shifting stock, Dynamic Games and Applications, online first, doi: 10.1007/s13235-016-0184-4
10. Burgess M, Diekert FK, Jacobsen N, Andersen KH, Gaines, S (2015): Remaining questions in the case for balanced harvesting, Fish and Fisheries, online first, doi: 10.1111/faf.12123
9. Norström A for Beijer Young Scholars (2014): Three necessary conditions for establishing effective Sustainable Development Goals in the Anthropocene. Ecology and Society, vol. 19(3).
8. Diekert FK (2013): The growing value of age: Exploring economic gains from age-specific harvesting in the Northeast Arctic cod fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, vol. 70, pp.1346-1358.
7. Norström, A for Beijer Young Scholars (2013): Social change vital to sustainability goals (Correspondence). nature, vol. 498(7454), p.299.
6. Diekert FK (2012): The Tragedy of the Commons from a Game-Theoretic Perspective. Sustainability, vol. 4, pp.1776-1786.
5. Diekert FK (2012): Growth Overfishing: The race to fish extends to the dimension of size. Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 52, pp. 549-572.
4. Eikeset AM, Richter A, Diekert FK, Dankel D, and Stenseth NC (2011): Unintended consequences sneak in the back door: wise use of regulations in fisheries management. In: Belgrano A, Fowler CW (ed) Ecosystem Based Management for Marine Fisheries: An Evolving Perspective, Cambridge University Press, pp. 183 - 217.
3. Diekert FK, Eikeset AM, and Stenseth NC (2010): Where could catch shares prevent stock collapse? Marine Policy, vol. 34, pp. 710 - 712.
2. Diekert FK, Hjermann DØ, Nævdal E, and Stenseth NC (2010): Non-cooperative exploitation of multi-cohort fisheries – The role of gear selectivity in the North-East Arctic cod fishery. Resources and Energy Economics, vol. 32. pp. 78 - 92.
1. Diekert FK, Hjermann DØ, Nævdal E, and Stenseth NC (2010): Spare the Young Fish: Optimal Harvesting Policies for North-East Arctic Cod. Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 47, pp. 455-475.
Teaching and Supervision
AWI, Heidelberg University
- Natural Resource Economics. Fall 2016
Department of Economics, Uni Oslo:
- ECON 4925 -- Resource Economics. Fall 2010, -11, -12, and -13
- ECON 4910 -- Environmental Economics, Spring 2012, -13, -14, -15
- Master Students: Kristen Lund (completed 2012), Eivind Olsen and Geir Mørkrid (completed 2013), Eivind Stjern (completed 2014), Magnus Willadsen (completed 2015)