
Welcome to the Chair of Macroeconomics



New publication (Benjamin Born, Jonas Dovern and Zeno Enders): Expectation Dispersion, Uncertainty, and the Reaction to News was accepted for publication in the European Economic Review

New paper version (Sarah Arndt and Zeno Enders): Shock transmissions in different inflation regimes.

Zeno Enders is visiting the Banque de France during the summer.



The chairs "Macroeconomics" and "Empirical Economics" are looking for a student research assistant in support of the two chairs.

The chair is looking for a teaching assistant for the lecture "Wirtschaftspolitik" (German required).

Dr. Christopher Zuber (German Council of Economic Experts) was invited by the Chair to give a talk on ˮEnergiekrise Solidarisch bewältigen, neue Realität gestalten: Das Jahresgutachten des Sachverständigenrates” as part of the lecture series ˮVWL in der Praxis”, on January 17, 16.15-17.45, in room 04a, Neue Uni. Everybody interested is welcome. The talk will be in German.



New paper version (Benjamin Born, Zeno Enders, Gernot Müller, Manuel Menkhoff, and Knut Niemann): Firm Expectations and News: Micro v Macro.

New working paper (Sarah Arndt and Zeno Enders): Shock transmissions in different inflation regimes.

The third installment of the HeiTüHo Workshop on International Financial Markets takes place in Hohenheim on December 16 and 17.



The July issue of the journal econo features an interview with Zeno Enders, dealing with inflation forecasts, monetary policy, and the effects of inflation on different sectors of the economy (in German).



The article "Das späte Ende der Nullzinspolitik" in the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung features some statements by Zeno Enders regarding montary policy reactions to supply shocks.

Dr. Lars Other (German Council of Economic Experts) was invited by the Chair to give a talk on ˮTransformation gestalten: Bildung, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit: Das Jahresgutachten des Sachverständigenrates” as part of the lecture series ˮVWL in der Praxis”, on June 6, 16.15-17.45, in room 00.010 at Campus Bergheim. Everybody interested is welcome. The talk will be in German.



Zeno Enders chaired a panel on central bank communication at the ZEW workshop "Das EZB-Zielsystem – angemessene Ausdifferenzierung oder drohende Überfrachtung?".



Zeno Enders presented his research on "(Ir)rational Firm Expectations and their Effects" to AWI students. The slides can be found here.



The Chairs for Econometrics and Macroeconomics are hiring a student research assistant. More information is available here.

Two PhD fellowships are available in the junior research group “Expectation Formation in Macroeconomics and its Implications for Monetary and Fiscal Policy” of Joep Lustenhouwer. The PhD students will analyze expectations survey data, conduct laboratory experiment and build macroeconomic models to advance the understanding of macroeconomic expectations and give policy recommendations. More information can be found here.



New publication (Christian Conrad, Franziska Hünnekes, and Gernot Müller): Firm Expectations and Economic Activity was accepted for publication in the Journal of the European Economic Association.



The chair is looking for a teaching assistant for the lecture "Wirtschaftspolitik" (German required).

The chapter Firm expectations about production and prices: Facts, determinants, and effects (Benjamin Born, Zeno Enders, Gernot Müller, and Knut Niemann) is forthcoming in the Handbook of Economic Expectations (Elsevier).




Christian Conrad, Zeno Enders, and Gernot Müller published the article "Die EZB setzt ihre Glaubwürdigkeit aufs Spiel" on December 15 in the FAZ. The same article, with two additional figures, was published on Ökonomenstimme.



The article "Eiszeit für die Preise" in the weekly newspaper Wirtschaftswoche features some statements by Zeno Enders regarding price interventions.

New publication (Christian Conrad, Zeno Enders, and Alexander Glas): The Role of Information and Experience for Households' Inflation Expectations was accepted for publication in the European Economic Review.

New paper version (David Vespermann and Christopher Zuber): The Effect of the European Excessive Deficit Procedure on Fiscal Spending Multipliers.



Zeno Enders organizes, together with Jonas Dovern (Nuremberg) and Gernot Müller (Tübingen) in the framework of the DFG priority program "Experience and Expectation" the workshop "Heterogeneity of Macroeconomic Expectations" in Nuremberg.



Three PhD fellowships are available in the junior research group “Expectation Formation in Macroeconomics and its Implications for Monetary and Fiscal Policy” of Joep Lustenhouwer. The PhD students will analyze expectations survey data, conduct laboratory experiment and build macroeconomic models to advance the understanding of macroeconomic expectations and give policy recommendations. More information can be found here.

A summary of the paper The Role of Information and Experience for Households' Inflation Expectations (Christian Conrad, Zeno Enders and Alexander Glas) was published on (in German).



New paper (Benjamin Born, Zeno Enders, Gernot Müller, and Knut Niemann): Firm expectations about production and prices: Facts, determinants, and effects, in preparation for the Handbook of Economic Expectations

New paper version (Zeno Enders, Franziska Hünnekes, and Gernot Müller): Firm expectations and economic activity.

New paper version (Christian Conrad, Zeno Enders, and Alexander Glas): The Role of Information and Experience for Households' Inflation Expectations

A summary of the paper The Role of Information and Experience for Households' Inflation Expectations (Christian Conrad, Zeno Enders and Alexander Glas) was published on SUERF, The European Money and Finance Forum (in English).



A summary of the paper Cross-country Unemployment Insurance, Transfers, and Trade-offs in International Risk Sharing (Zeno Enders and David Vespermann) was published on SUERF, The European Money and Finance Forum (in English).



JProf. Joep Lustenhouwer has received funding from the Hans Böckler Foundation (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung) for a junior research group with three PhD students for the duration of three years. The topic of the junior research group is “Expectation Formation in Macroeconomics and its Implications for Monetary and Fiscal Policy”. The PhD students will analyze expectations survey data, conduct laboratory experiment and build macroeconomic models to advance the understanding of macroeconomic expectations and give policy recommendations. The funding includes scholarships and traveling budgets for the PhD students as well as funds to organize workshops. More information on Joep’s research can be found here.

Sebastian Weiske, Ph.D. (German Council of Economic Experts) was invited by the Chair to give a talk on ˮCorona-Krise gemeinsam bewältigen, Resilienz und Wachstum stärken: Das Jahresgutachten des Sachverständigenrates” as part of the lecture series ˮVWL in der Praxis”, on June 15, 13.15-14.15, on, Password: 2021. Everybody interested is welcome. The talk will be in German.



A summary of the paper Cross-country Unemployment Insurance, Transfers, and Trade-offs in International Risk Sharing (Zeno Enders and David Vespermann) was published on (in German).



New  Working Paper (David Vespermann and Christopher Zuber): The Effect of the European Excessive Deficit Procedure on Fiscal Spending Multipliers

The Chairs for Econometrics and Macroeconomics are hiring a student research assistant. More information is available here.



The application form for the seminar “Economic Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic” is now available on the webpage 'Teaching'.

Sebastian Rüth has accepted an offer from the University of Erfurt for a tenure-track W1/W3 position, starting in June 2021.

New paper version (Zeno Enders and David Vespermann): Cross-country Unemployment Insurance, Transfers, and Trade-offs in International Risk Sharing



Job announcement: the chair is looking for a Ph.D. student, starting in Fall 2021. More information is available here.




New Working Paper (Benjamin Born, Jonas Dovern and Zeno Enders): Expectation Dispersion, Uncertainty, and the Reaction to News.



New publication (Zeno Enders and Hendrik Hakenes): Market Depth, Leverage, and Speculative Bubbles was accepted for publication in the Journal of the European Economic Association



New Working Paper (Christian Conrad, Zeno Enders, and Alexander Glas): The Role of Information and Experience for Households' Inflation Expectations



New publication (Zeno Enders, Michael Kleeman and Gernot Müller): Growth Expectations, undue Optimism, and short-run Fluctuations was accepted for publication in The Review of Economics and Statistics.

Zeno Enders has been admitted to the standing committee on macroeconomics of the German Economic Association. He is now member of three committees.



New paper version (Zeno Enders, Franziska Hünnekes and Gernot Müller): Firm expectations and economic activity.



Job announcement for a teaching assistant for the lecture "Wirtschaftspolitik".




Together with researchers of the University of Tübingen and University of Hohenheim, Zeno Enders organized a workshop on International Financial Markets on December 13 & 14, 2019. Detailed information on the workshop and access to the papers presented at the workshop is available here.



Sebastian Weiske, Ph.D. (German Council of Economic Experts) was invited by the Chair to give a talk on ˮDen Strukturwandel meistern: Das Jahresgutachten des Sachverständigenrates” as part of the lecture series ˮVWL in der Praxis”, on November 19, 17.15-18.15, room 02.036 in the AWI (Campus Bergheim). Everybody interested is welcome. The talk will be in German.



Zeno Enders was appointed as associate editor of the journal Macroeconomic Dynamics.



New publication (Zeno Enders, Franziska Hünnekes, and Gernot Müller): Monetary Policy Announcements and Expectations: Evidence from German Firms was accepted for publication in the Journal of Monetary Economics.



Zeno Enders gave the keynote lecture on "Expectations in Macroeconomics" at the 2nd Workshop on Macroeconomic Research of the Cracow University of Economics.



New CESifo Working Paper (Zeno Enders, Franziska Hünnekes, and Gernot Müller): Firm expectations and economic activity.

During the summer semester, Zeno Enders is a visiting researcher at the research center of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt.



Zeno Enders, together with Gernot Müller from the University of Tübingen, obtained a 3-year grant from the German Science Foundation in the framework of the Priority Program Experience & Expectation: Historical Foundations of Economic Behaviour for the project "Determinants and effects of business expectations in Germany after 1980".



Sebastian Weiske, Ph.D. (German Council of Economic Experts) was invited by the Chair to give a talk on ˮVor wichtigen wirtschaftspolitischen Weichenstellungen: Das Jahresgutachten des Sachverständigenrates” as part of the lecture series ˮVWL in der Praxis”, on January 22, 17.00-18.15, ehemaliger Senatssaal, Neue Uni (Universitätsplatz). Everybody interested is welcome. The talk will be in German.




Zeno Enders, Michael Evers (University of Hohenheim), and Gernot Müller (University of Tübingen) are organizing the first HeiTüHo Workshop in Tübingen.



New publication (Zeno Enders): Heterogeneous Consumers, Segmented Asset Markets, and the Effects of Monetary Policy, The Economic Journal, accepted for publication.



New publication (Alexandra Born and Zeno Enders): Global Banking, Trade, and the International Transmission of the Great Recession, The Economic Journal, accepted for publication.



Dr. Martin Mandler (Deutsche Bundesbank, Monetary Policy and Analysis Division) was invited by the Chair to give a talk on „Was bestimmt die Geldmengen- und Kreditentwicklung und was kann die Geldpolitik daraus lernen?“ as part of the lecture series ˮVWL in der Praxis”, on June 28, 17.15-18.30, lecture hall 14, Neue Uni (Universitätsplatz). Everybody interested is welcome. The talk will be in German.



Zeno Enders was affiliated as a new member of the standing field committee on international economics of the German Economic Association.

Sebastian Weiske, Ph.D. (German Council of Economic Experts) was invited by the Chair to give a talk on ˮFür eine zukunftsorientierte Wirtschaftspolitik: Das Jahresgutachten des Sachverständigenrates” as part of the lecture series ˮVWL in der Praxis”, on May 9, 18.00-19.15, lecture hall 12, Neue Uni (Universitätsplatz). Everybody interested is welcome. The talk will be in German.




New publication (Almira Enders, Zeno Enders and Mathias Hoffmann): International Financial Market Integration, Asset Compositions, and the Falling Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Journal of International Economics, forthcoming

Zeno Enders took part in a panel discussion ˮLehren aus der globalen Finanzkrise: Brauchen wir ein neues Paradigma in der VWL?” during the inauguration of the graduate school ˮBehavioral Macroeconomics” in Bamberg.



New publication (Almira Enders and Zeno Enders): Second-round effects after oil price shocks: Evidence for the euro area and Germany, Economics Letters, forthcoming



Zeno Enders, together with Gernot Müller (University of Tübingen) organized the workshop "Exchange Rate Adjustment in the Euro Area" in the Framework of the CESifo Venice Summer Institute 2017. It took place on San Servolo, Venice, 12-13 June. Keynote speakers were Barry Eichengreen and Charles Engel. Further information can be found here.



Dr. Jochen Andritzky, Secretary General at the German Council of Economic Experts (Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung), was invited by the Chair to give a talk on ˮTime for Reforms: Central Messages of the Annual Economic Report” on January 18, Campus Bergheim.




Zeno Enders has been awarded a Marsilius Fellowship for the class of 2017/18. He will work together with sinologist Enno Giele on an interdisciplinary project entitled ‘Monetary Policy and Inflation during the Premodern Era in China.’



Zeno Enders, together with Gernot Müller, organizes a workshop on 'Exchange Rate Adjustment in the Euro Area' during the CESifo Venice Summer Institute 2017. The call for papers can be found here.



Fabian Schupp (Deutsche Bundesbank) gave a talk on "Die unkonventionelle Geldpolitik der EZB" on Tuesday, July 12 at 18.15-19.15 in the lecture hall (Hörsaal), Campus Bergheim.



Dr. Christopher Milde, Senior Consultant at NERA Economic Consulting Berlin, gave a talk about "Ökonomie in der wettbewerbspolitischen Praxis" on Wednesday, June 15, at 18.15-19.15 in the lecture hall (Hörsaal), Campus Bergheim.



The paper "Global Banks and International Business Cycles" by Robert Kollmann, Zeno Enders and Gernot Müller came in 3rd among the most cited papers in the European Economic Review since 2011.

Christian Zimmermann included the paper "Global Banking, Trade, and the International Transmission of the Great Recession" by Zeno Enders and Alexandra Peter on his NEP-DGE blog.



Zeno Enders has been awarded a Marsilius Fellowship for the class of 2016/17. He will work together with experimental physicist Rüdiger Klingeler on an interdisciplinary project entitled ‘Interactions and dynamics in complex systems: External influences in magnetism and macroeconomics.’

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Latest Revision: 2024-03-08
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