Prof. Dr. Jan Chr. Gertz
Professor of Old Testament Theology

Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
Among Prof. Gertz's fields of specialty are topics such as Literary history of the Old Testament, historical criticism of the Pentateuch, research in Deuteronom, as well as legal history of the ancient near east and the Bible. He was a Heisenberg Scholar of the DFG and, from 2006-2010, Director of the International Forum of the Sciences, Heidelberg. 2012-2013 he was Fellow at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (Hebrew University, Jerusalem).
His publications include the titles, "Die Gerichtsorganisation Israels im deuteronomischen Gesetz", "Tradition und Redaktion in der Exoduserzählung. Untersuchungen zur Endredaktion des Pentateuch", "Abschied vom Jahwisten. Die Komposition des Hexateuch in der jüngsten Diskussion" (edited with K. Schmid and M. Witte) and "Grundinformation Altes Testament". Having published numerous articles, for example in the lexicon RGG (fourth edition), Prof. Gertz is co-editor of the Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft.
Department in FIIT
III. Theology and Legal Studies
VI. Theology and Archeology
VI. Theology and Archeology
Kisselgasse 1 |
69117 Heidelberg |
Germany |
Tel: (0049)-(0)6221-543309